gsjunior86 / GexfSpark

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GexfSpark - A Spark library for the GEXF file format


Latest Version: no release yet

Author: Geraldo de Souza Junior


GEXF File Format Spark Library. It loads Gexf and other graph formats and convert it into GraphX object. Also, uses the DataFrame API to write Gexf and other graph formats.


Be sure to have the following spark dependencies in your project:

  • spark-core_2.11
  • spark-sql_2.11
  • spark-graphx_2.11

Compatible with Scala 2.11.XX and Spark 2.XX only

Loading Graphs:

You can load a Gexf file into GraphX's RDD by calling:

import br.gsj.spark.gexfspark.graph.GraphLoader;
import br.gsj.spark.gexfspark.enums.FileType;

    val spark = SparkSession.builder()
    val path = "gexf_file.gexf"
    val graph = new GraphLoader(spark,path,FileType.Gexf)
    val graphX = graph.loadGraphXGraph

You can get Dataframes with the edges and nodes by calling




Writing Graphs:

You can write gexf graphs by creating a RDD[br.gsj.spark.gexfspark.entities.Edge] and RDD[br.gsj.spark.gexfspark.entities.Node]

Look at the example below:

import br.gsj.spark.gexfspark.entities.Node
import br.gsj.spark.gexfspark.entities.Edge
import br.gsj.spark.gexfspark.enums.GexfType

val nodes_rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize( List(1,2,3,4,5).map(f => new Node(f.toString())))
val edges_rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize( List( (1,2),(1,3),(2,4),(2,5),(4,5),(3,5))
        .map(f => new Edge(f._1.toString(),f._2.toString()) ))
val gw = new GraphWriter(spark)
gw.writeGexfFile(nodes_rdd, edges_rdd, new GexfType, "path_to_save.gexf")

The GexfType object contains graph properties (defaultEdgeType and mode so far). You can override these properties in your own reference


Copyritght Geraldo de Souza Junior 2018

Licensed under GPL 3.0


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Scala 100.0%