gsilano / CrazyS

CrazyS is an extension of the ROS package RotorS, aimed to modeling, developing and integrating the Crazyflie 2.0

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Adding a camera to crazyS

ziyadAbouelenin opened this issue · comments

Hello @gsilano ,

I want to add a camera to the crazyFlie, any idea how to do this?

I found the [Adding a Camera to CrazyS] part in the wiki, but can you explain more or just point me to a reference if any.

Thank you

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Make sure that no other issues on the same topic have already been opened!

Hi! Thanks for your interest in CrazyS. As for your question, as it was complicated to explain how to add a simulated camera with CrazyS, I thought it was better to develop a sample example scenario.

As you can see from the commit above, I added the crazyflie2_internal_model_controller_vi_sensor.launch file to simulate Crazyflie with a VI sensor. To this, I added an RVIZ configuration file to see the camera images and the point cloud data.

I hope this can help.

I can run the Internal Model Controller (IMC) in CrazyS (ROS Melodic, Gazebo9).
Please clarify whether IMC is the same as the INDI controller mentioned on the Bitcraze website. Could you provide me with any documents or literature??

Hi @NithyaVijay! Your question appears to be unrelated to this issue. It might be more appropriate to open a new one.