gshaw / boundary

Manage and restrain cross-module dependencies in Elixir projects

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Boundary Build Status

Boundary is a library which helps managing and restraining cross-module dependencies in Elixir projects. A few examples of the things you can do with boundary include:

  • Prevent invocations from the context layer to the web layer
  • Prevent invocations from the web layer to internal context modules
  • Prevent usage of Phoenix and Plug in the context layer
  • Limit usage of Ecto in the web layer to only Ecto.Changeset
  • Allow :mix modules to be used only at compile time


This library is experimental, untested, and unstable. Interface might change significantly in the future versions. The code is not well tested or optimized, so you might experience crashes, or significant slowdowns during compilation, especially in larger projects. In addition, be aware that Boundary loads the application and all of its dependencies (recursively) during compilation.


For a detailed reference see docs for Boundary module and mix compiler.

Basic usage

To use this library, you first need to define the boundaries of your project. A boundary is a named group of one or more modules. Each boundary exports some (but not all!) of its modules, and can depend on other boundaries. During compilation, the boundary compiler will find and report all cross-module function calls which are not permitted according to the boundary configuration.


Add boundary as a dependency in mix.exs:

defmodule MySystem.MixProject do
  use Mix.Project

  # ...

  defp deps do
      {:boundary, "~> 0.5.0", runtime: false},
      # ...

  # ...

The following code defines boundaries for a typical Phoenix based project generated with mix

defmodule MySystem do
  use Boundary, deps: [], exports: []
  # ...

defmodule MySystemWeb do
  use Boundary, deps: [MySystem], exports: [Endpoint]
  # ...

defmodule MySystem.Application do
  use Boundary, top_level?: true, deps: [MySystem, MySystemWeb]
  # ...

The configuration above defines three boundaries: MySystem, MySystemWeb, and MySystem.Application.

Boundary modules are determined automatically from the boundary name. For example, the MySystem boundary contains the MySystem module, as well as any module whose name starts with MySystem. (e.g. MySystem.User, MySystem.User.Schema, ...).

The configuration specifies the following rules:

  • Modules residing in the MySystemWeb boundary are allowed to invoke functions from modules exported by the MySystem boundary.
  • Modules residing in the MySystem.Application namespace are allowed to invoke functions from modules exported by MySystem and MySystemWeb boundaries.

All other cross-boundary calls are not permitted.

Next, you need to add the mix compiler:

defmodule MySystem.MixProject do
  use Mix.Project

  def project do
      compilers: [:boundary, :phoenix, :gettext] ++ Mix.compilers(),
      # ...

  # ...

Boundary rules are validated during compilation. For example, if we have the following code:

defmodule MySystem.User do
  def auth do

The compiler will emit a warning:

$ mix compile

warning: forbidden call to MySystemWeb.Endpoint.url/0
  (calls from MySystem to MySystemWeb are not allowed)
  (call originated from MySystem.User)

The complete working example is available here.

Because boundary is implemented as a mix compiler, it integrates seamlessly with editors which can work with mix compiler. For example, in VS Code with Elixir LS:

VS Code warning 1

VS Code warning 2


  • validate calls to external deps (e.g. preventing Ecto usage from MySystemWeb, or Plug usage from MySystem)
  • support compile time vs runtime deps
  • support nested boundaries (defining internal boundaries within a boundary)
  • support Erlang modules




Manage and restrain cross-module dependencies in Elixir projects

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%