gsf / rules_js

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Javascript Rules

This project aims to bring Javascript support to Bazel. Binary targets can be run with Node, library targets produce concise binary build artifacts.


There are two public module rules


  name = 'lib',
  srcs = ['lib.js']

  name = 'bin',
  srcs = ['main.js'],
  deps = [':lib'],

Note that each src passed to a js_binary rule will run with a new invocation of Node, and it will silently ignore any src file that doesn't have a .js extension.

Further, there is a WORKSPACE rule to install modules from NPM, optionally include their typescript definitions. npm_install will also take a sha256 argument to verify against what's published on NPM as well as a type_sha256 for the type declaration.

load('@io_bazel_rules_js//js:def.bzl', 'npm_install')
npm_install('immutable', version='3.8.1', type_version='3.8.1')

The resulting library will be available as @immutable//:lib.

Because the rule will create your BUILD file for you, it needs to include all specified dependencies. Occasionally, a library will have some functionality you don't need that pulls in a large number of transitive dependencies. While unsafe, you can pass npm_install a ignore_deps list of strings (of the Bazel dot-style names), and they will not be included as dependencies. This li'l trick is to be used at your own risk.

External Dependencies

When using npm_install, a module will be created with the source for that NPM project. For a simply named library (say react), other modules are free to depend on a module named @react//:lib. However, the - character (and perhaps others) is not allowed in external names with Bazel, so they will be replaced with a .. For example, honk-di would be required in a BUILD file as @honk.di//:lib.

These rules will declare dependencies, but they will not resolve them. For example, if you declare an npm_install rule for @bar//:lib, which depends on @foo//:lib, Bazel will fail to build citing that it can't find @foo//:lib. You must determine a version and explicitly define it at the WORKSPACE level.

When encountering such a resolution error, it's helpful to look at the file where the error occurred (namely, the BUILD file for @bar//:lib). This file will have comments for the all of its dependencies and versions it provided in its package.json. It's fair to say most will be semvar ranges rather than specific versions, so it's up to you to find the right release.

Module Resolution

For external modules (installed with npm_install), import statements will work the same as with Node and NPM. honk-di will be importable as honk-di.

For internal modules, the following convention should be applied:

  • If the file is part of the current target, import it with a relative path. For example require('./widget')
  • If the file is part of another target, import it with a fully-qualified path. So, if working in //lib/ui/actions and you need a library from //lib/net/ajax, use require('lib/net/ajax').

Both presently work in nearly all cases, but the behavior is not guaranteed as these rules evolve.


Each build target produces metadata and a binary artifact, called a js_tar. Each js_library emits its own js runtime files as a gzipped tarfile. The path of the files will be the fully-qualified import path. The metadata is as follows:

  js_tar = <tarfile contining local library code>,
  deps   = set(<js_tar>),

A js_binary target will create a "fat" tarfile -- its local code, and the code of all its transitive dependencies. It will also create a runner script which will extract these files to a local ./node_modules, invoke each src file, then remove ./node_modules.

External dependencies created with npm_install will use a behind-the-scenes rule, js_tar to directly create the tarfile containing the sources with working directly with js_library. This is subject to change.



Language:Python 100.0%