gsauthof / libxfsx

Read/Write/Manipulate ASN.1 BER/TAP and convert from/to XML really fast

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

C++ License Build Status Code Coverage

C++ library for reading, writing and manipulating BER and XML encoded files.

It supports the BER (basic encoding rules) and transformations between BER and XML. For example, you can convert a BER file into XML one or the other way around.

In standard documents, the BER are called a transfer syntax - i.e. one possible transfer syntax that can be used in combination with a ASN.1 specification.

The repository contains also the command line frontend bed that makes most library features available to the command line, e.g.:

Pretty print a BER file into XML:

$ bed write-xml CDxyz.ber CDxyz.xml

Pretty print not only the tags but also the values, to stdout:

$ bed write-xml --pp CDxyz.ber

The other way around:

$ bed write-ber CDxyz.xml CDxyz.ber

Search using an XPath expression:

$ bed search -e '/*/CallEventDetailList[1]/*[23]' CDxyz.ber

(prints the 23rd call data record of a TAP file)

Add a comment to a TAP file:

$ bed edit -c add '//AuditControlInfo' \
    'OperatorSpecInfoList/+OperatorSpecInformation' 'Patchdate: 20150101' \

Syntactically validate a TAP file (plus some constraints checking):

$ bed validate --xsd tap_3_12_incl_const.xsd CDxyz.ber

2015-2019, Georg Sauthoff


More bed examples are included in the help screen (--help) of the program.

The unit tests and the bed source code can be consulted for examples on how to use the library.


Since BER files are not self describing, some operations require the corresponding ASN.1 specification. The parsing of ASN.1 and the derivation of the needed information is done in libgrammar. Low-level manipulations of a BER stream don't require an ASN.1 specification, though.

The xfsx library provides functions for directly constructing a libxml2 tree from a BER stream. Thus, several features of libxml2 can be leveraged (e.g. its XPath module, XSD validation, RelaxNG validation, etc.). The XSD/RelaxNG grammars needed for validation can be generated via libgrammar.

The format autodetection is configurable via a JSON run control file, where different ASN.1 files can be selected via XPath expressions. The autodetection code is shared between the BER and XML input mode. It is fast because only as much of the header is read as necessary.

The low level functions for decoding and encoding values into BER are template functions, thus one can 'plug-in' custom types into that mechanism via adding template specializations into the same namespace.

There is a API for reading BER units into a tagged union, where its content can be accessed in a type safe fashion. The tagged union is automatically generated.

When writing text (e.g. XML) a light-weight buffer management is used (cf. instead of the STL's iostreams, yielding a significant speedup (e.g. a speedup of ~ 7 in comparison with the STL that comes with gcc 4.9).

A stream of BER units can be directly read from a memory mapped file.

When writing BER units, one can influence low-level details, such that it is even possible to generate non-conforming files (e.g. where integers are not encoded with minimal length). Useful for testing purposes.

Build Instructions

The repository contains some submodules that have to be retrieved, as well.

For example:

$ git clone remote-url
$ cd project
$ git submodule update --init

Out of source builds are recommended, e.g.:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make bed

Or to use ninja instead of make and create a release build:

$ mkdir build-o
$ cmake -G Ninja -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ ninja-build bed

To optimize even more, e.g. to enable the SIMD optimized BCD processing code the simplest thing is to compile for the highest lowest common denominator CPU family you want to use (e.g. -march=haswell) or just use the CPU model of the current machine as reference (i.e. -march=native). Example:

$ CXXFLAGS='-DNDEBUG -O3 -march=native -Wall -g' cmake \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None -GNinja ..

See also the bcd_speed target for benchmarking the different BCD variants.


compile via:

$ mkdir build
$ cmake ..
$ make ut


$ ./ut

or just:

$ make check



  • Lua - for content pretty printing support (cf. --pp and config/*.lua)
  • libFuzzer - for fuzzing different parts of the library (cf. tool/*
  • fmtlib - for converting integers to strings on pre-C++17 systems; its integer conversion function is very efficient

That means on a minimal Fedora system you just need to install the following packages to get started:

# dnf -y install boost-devel cmake gcc-c++ git libxml2-devel \
                 lua-devel ninja-build ragel vim

Usage Notes

The provided autodetection run control file (config/detector.json) has rules for several formats (TAP, RAP, NRT, etc.). The referenced files are looked up via the ASN1 search path (cf. the bed help screen). A quite complete ASN1 file collection (that can be used with the provided rc file) would look like this:


The XSD files are needed for the validation functionality.


The XML writer relies on libgrammar for translation BER tag numbers to XML element names. Libgrammar can also transform an ASN.1 specification into an XSD (or RelaxNG) schema that can be used to validate the XML writer output.

The transformation done by libgrammar is not equivalent to the ASN.1 XML encoding rules (XER).

The reason for this is: the XER have severe disadvantages. When transforming a BER file to XML using the XER, following cases may occur:

A new parent element must be introduced, e.g.:

-- ASN.1 snippet
DataInterChange ::= CHOICE
    transferBatch TransferBatch,
    notification  Notification,
-- BER stream: [Tag=1, ...]

<!-- XER result -->
<DataInterChange> <!-- not present in BER -->

<!-- libXFSX/bed XML result -->

An existing parent element must be removed, e.g.:

-- ASN.1 snippet
... ::= ... SEQUENCE { ..., ... BasicServiceCodeList, ... }
BasicServiceCodeList ::= [APPLICATION 37] SEQUENCE OF BasicServiceCode
TeleServiceCode      ::= [APPLICATION 218] HexString (SIZE(2))
BasicServiceCode     ::= [APPLICATION 426] CHOICE
    teleServiceCode      TeleServiceCode,
    bearerServiceCode    BearerServiceCode,
-- BER stream: [..., Tag=37, Tag=426, Tag=426, ...]

<!-- XER result -->
<!-- => BasicServiceCode (tag=426) is gone -->

<!-- XFSX XML result -->

A different element name for the same BER tag must be used because it's locally used differently (used in another type or named differently), e.g.:

-- ASN.1 snippet
... ::= ... SEQUENCE { ..., ... RecEntityCodeList, ... }
... ::= ... SEQUENCE { ..., ... SomeRec, ...}
RecEntityCode     ::= [APPLICATION 184] Code
RecEntityCodeList ::= [APPLICATION 185] SEQUENCE OF RecEntityCode
SomeRec           ::= [APPLICATION 1234] SEQUENCE {
   recEntityCode        RecEntityCode,
-- BER stream: [ ..., Tag=185, Tag=184, ..., Tag=1234, Tag=184, ...]

<!-- XER result -->
... <someRec><recEntityCode>...</recEntityCode></someRec>
<!-- => although it's the same tag in the BER file -->

<!-- XFSX XML result -->
... <SomeRec><RecEntityCode>...</RecEntityCodeList></SomeRec>

The same element name does not mean that the BER tags are the same:

-- ASN.1 snippet
... ::= ... SEQUENCE { ..., ... A, ... }
Bar ::= [Application 4] OCTET STRING
Blub::= [Application 5] INTEGER
A   ::= [Application 1] SEQUENCE { foo Foo, fuu Fuu }
Foo ::= [Application 2] SEQUENCE { blah Bar }
Fuu ::= [Application 3] SEQUENCE { blah Blub }
-- BER stream: [ ..., Tag=1, Tag=2, Tag=4, Tag=3, Tag=5, ...]

<!-- XER result -->
<!-- => in the BER file the blah elements have different tags

<!-- XFSX XML result -->

In general this means: you have to create a complicated state machine for BER to XER transformation.

In contrast the libgrammar ASN.1 to XSD/RelaxNG transformation is very straight forward: each BER tag is directly mapped to the ASN.1 type name (using its tag number and class number), i.e. the mapping is bijective. Thus, no complicated state machine is necessary for transforming BER to XML. A trivial state machine is sufficient. Meaning, the transformation is more efficient. Analogously, the transformation from XML to BER also only needs a trivial state machine.

In addition to that - the resulting XML is also more comprehensible because one knows that every XML element has a representation in the BER file, two XML elements with the same name also have the same BER tag representation and there is no BER tag that is hidden in the XML file.

TAP 3.12 Test Scenarios

The GSMA has published some TAP 3.12 test scenarios - they are described in TD.60 and the specified test call data records are also available as BER file (TD.62) and XML file (TD.61).

The BER test file can also be converted to XML with bed write-xml. For comparing the result with the TD.61 XML file, the TD.61 XML file can be converted to the XFSX/bed XML format. For example via following shell 'one'-liner:

xmlstarlet sel -t -c '//transferBatch' TD.61\ v30.7.xml \
  | sed 's@\(</\?[a-z]\)@\U\1@g' \
  | sed -e 's@\(</\?\)EquipmentIdentifier>@\1ImeiOrEsn>@' \
        -e 's@\(</\?\)ServiceCode>@\1BasicServiceCode>@' \
        -e 's@\(</\?\)CurrencyConversionInfo>@\1CurrencyConversionList>@'
        -e 's@\(</\?\)RecEntityInfo>@\1RecEntityInfoList>@'
        -e 's@\(</\?\)MessageDescriptionInfo>@\1MessageDescriptionInfoList>@' \
        -e 's@\(</\?\)CallEventDetails>@\1CallEventDetailList>@' \
  | xmlstarlet ed -r '/*/*/Taxation' -v TaxationList
  | xmlstarlet ed -r '/*/*/Discounting' -v DiscountingList \
  | xmlstarlet ed -r '/*/*/UtcTimeOffsetInfo' -v UtcTimeOffsetInfoList \
  | xmlstarlet ed -r '//OperatorSpecInformation/OperatorSpecInformation/parent::*' -v OperatorSpecInfoList \
  | xmlstarlet ed -r '//TaxInformation/TaxInformation/parent::*' -v TaxInformationList \
  | xmlstarlet ed -r '//MobileTerminatedCall/BasicCallInformation' -v MtBasicCallInformation \
  | xmlstarlet ed -r '//MobileOriginatedCall/BasicCallInformation' -v MoBasicCallInformation \
  | xmlstarlet ed -r '//SupplServiceUsed/BasicServiceCodeList/TeleServiceCode' -v 'TeleServiceCodeXXX' \
  | sed 's@<TeleServiceCodeXXX>\([^<]\+\)</TeleServiceCodeXXX>@<BasicServiceCode><TeleServiceCode>\1</TeleServiceCode></BasicServiceCode>@' \
  | XMLLINT_INDENT='    ' xmllint --format --recover - \
  | tail -n +2  > td61_sane.xml

After that transformation there are 2 differences in the values:

  • the GSMA prints the trailing fill digit (F) of decoded BCD numbers, where XFSX/bed does not
  • the GSMA prints CallRereference values as hexadecimal digit string, where XFSX/bed prints it as string and escapes characters to XML rules

Those differences are also due to the TD.61 XML file being XER encoded.

Of course, transforming the TD.62 BER file with bed to XML and then back to BER yields the original file:

bed write-xml TD.61\ v30.7.asn1 td61_bed.xml
bed write-ber td61_bed.xml t61_bed.ber
cmp TD.61\ v30.7.asn1 t61_bed.ber
echo $?    # <- prints 0, i.e. no difference

(note that the TD.62 BER file is also included with the TD.61 zip archive and has 'asn1' as extension even though it is a BER file; and not an abstract syntax notation schema)

Raw Input

The basic encoding rules (BER) format is a relatively straight forward example of a TLV encoding. It's basically TLV unit after TLV unit without any padding in between. However, there are real world appliances that write a BER dialect where padding bytes are inserted between some top-level units. Obvious choices for padding bytes are 0x00 and 0xff and one motivation might be to be able to recover from bit-flips. Example: The appliance guarantees that at each block boundary (say 2 KiB) a top-level BER unit starts. Each block then contains a sequence of units without any padding in between - until no space is left in the block and the remaining bytes are thus filled with padding bytes and the next unit starts on the next block boundary.

Advantage: if there is some bit-flip in the TL part of a unit you can skip to the next block and just lose parts of the current block.

Disadvantage: many standard conforming off-the-shelf ASN.1/BER libraries/compilers can't deal with such files. That means they likely error out when they encounter the first unexpected padding bytes. When 0-padding is used the decoder might even be able to skip some paddings - if and only if the padding contains an even number of 0-bytes and the decoder ignores unexpected EOC units (because EOC is encoded as two consecutive 0-bytes).

The bed write-xml command has several options to deal with such files. With the --block option a block size can be specified such that padding bytes at the end of a block are automatically skipped.

For even more esoteric streams there is --skip0 (or -0) which can also deal with 0 byte padding regions that end before a block boundary.


$ bed write-xml --block 2048 input.ber
$ bed write-xml -0 input.ber


When installing bed and the library, don't forget to install the needed XSD/ASN.1 files. See also libgrammar for examples.

The config files from config/ and the files referenced in detector.json should be placed in the default config directory or be reachable via ASN1_PATH.


Tested on (a selection):

  • Fedora Linux 23/25/../29, x86-64
  • Debian 8, PowerPC64
  • Ubuntu 16 LTS x86-64
  • Solaris 10, SPARC (64 Bit, GCC 4.9)
  • Mac OS X 10.9.5, x86-64 (Apple LLVM clang 3.5)
  • Windows 7 64 Bit, Wine 1.9.3 (staging) 32 and 64 Bit (mingw64 cross compiler - Host: Fedora 23)

The low-level components are written in a portable fashion, i.e. the C++ code is portable between little- and big-endian architectures, it runs on architecture with strict alignment requirements, etc.

Thus, in general, it should run on every platform where a C++14 compiler is available.




Read/Write/Manipulate ASN.1 BER/TAP and convert from/to XML really fast

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 95.7%Language:Shell 2.5%Language:CMake 1.4%Language:Python 0.3%