grrrr / heavylib

Library of Heavy compatible abstractions

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comgrrrr/heavylibRepository from Github https://github.comgrrrr/heavylib


Library of heavy compatible abstractions.

See the -help.pd patches for more information on each object.


Band-limited oscillators

[hv.osc saw] - Band-limited PolyBlep sawtooth signal generator. more info

[hv.osc sine] - Same as Pd [osc~] added for convenience.

[hv.osc square] - Band-limited PolyBlep square signal generator.


[hv.pinknoise] - Cheapish pinknoise generator. more info


[hv.vline] - Envelope generator, replacement for Pd's [vline~] object.



[hv.compressor] - Compressor unit with Threshold and Ratio parameters. (Attack/Release is fixed at 40ms)

[hv.compressor2] - Stereo version of [hv.compressor].

[hv.envfollow] - Cheap envelope follower.


[hv.comb] - Comb filter effect unit.

[hv.flanger] - Flange effect unit.

[hv.flanger2] - Stereo version of [hv.flanger].

[hv.freqshift] - Frequency shifter effect unit.

[hv.reverb] - Simple reverb unit.


[hv.filter allpass] - Allpass filter with Q control (Biquad).

[hv.filter lowpass] - Lowpass filter with Q control (Biquad).

[hv.filter highpass] - Highpass filter with Q control (Biquad).

[hv.filter bandpass1] - Bandpass filter with Q control, peak gain = Q (Biquad).

[hv.filter bandpass2] - Bandpass filter with Q control, constant 0dB peak gain (Biquad).

[hv.filter notch] - Notch filter with Q control (Biquad)

[hv.filter.gain peak] - Peaking filter with Frequency, Q and Gain parameters (Biquad).

[hv.filter.gain lowshelf] - Low shelving filter with Frequency, Q and Gain parameters (Biquad).

[hv.filter.gain highshelf] - High shelving filter with Frequency, Q and Gain parameters (Biquad).

Math Operations

[hv.exp] - Signal-rate exponential ( exp ), alternative implementation.

[hv.eq] - Signal-rate equal ( == ).

[hv.neq] - Signal-rate not equal ( != ).

[] - Signal-rate greater than ( > ).

[hv.gte] - Signal-rate greater than or equal to ( >= ).

[hv.log] - Signal-rate natural logarithm ( ln ).

[] - Signal-rate less than ( < ).

[hv.lte] - Signal-rate less than or equal to ( <= ).

[hv.multiplex] - Mix between two input signals based on a comparator.

[hv.pow] - Signal-rate exponent ( x ^ y ), alternative implementation.

[hv.tanh] - Static non-linear waveshaper.


[hv.dispatch] - Utility for organising parameter interfaces to other abstractions.

[hv.drunk] - Randomised walk number generator.


Library of Heavy compatible abstractions

License:MIT License