groupeLIAMG / HTML_signature

Responsive signature in HTML

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Signature HTML pour les courriels

Responsive canevas pour les signatures html des courriels.

Adapté de ce repositoire github.



alt text


  • transforme (<link>) CSS en 'inline styles'
  • intègre les images locales (img[src]) dans le canevas (base64).*
  • minifies le canevas
  • automatise les changements faits dans les fichiers HTML/CSS et conf.js

Comment ça fonctionne

Cloner ce repositoire, faire les changements nécessaires dans le ficher conf.js et exécuter la commande suivante au niveau du gulpfile.js (necessite node.js d'installé)

$ npm install
$ gulp

Usage with different e-mail clients (tiré de


There are several Thunderbird plugins which can automatically insert signatures when composing e-mails. We recommend SmartTemplate4 as one of the options. It can use different templates for new e-mails, replies and forwarded e-mails.

Apple Mail / OS X

Solution 1

  • Open and go to Mail -> Preferences -> Signatures
  • Create a new signature and write some placeholder text (doesn't matter what it is, but you have to identify it later).
  • Close
  • Open terminal, then open the signature files using TextEdit (might be different for iCloud drive check the article below).
$ open -a TextEdit ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~mail/Data/V3/MailData/Signatures/ubiquitous_*.mailsignature
  • Keep the file with the placeholder open, close the other ones.
  • Replace the <body>...</body> and it's contents with the template of your choice. Don't remove the meta information at the top!
  • Open and compose a new mail. Select the signature from the list to test it out.

NB: Images won't appear in the signature preview, but will work fine when you compose a message.

####Solution 2 You can also open the HTML files in /dist in a browser, CMD + A, CMD + C and then paste into the signature box. This won't copy the <html> part or the <style> part that includes media queries. Follow the guide if you want it.


If solution #1 doesn't work, you can repeat the steps and lock the signature files before you open again. Lock Files:

$ chflags uchg ~/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/Signatures/*.mailsignature

If you want to do changes later, you have to unlock the files:

$ chflags nouchg ~/Library/Mail/V3/MailData/Signatures/*.mailsignature

If you are using iCloud drive or having problems with it, you might also want to check this article.

Outlook 2010 Client for Windows 7

Solution 1

  • Open Outlook 2010 and go to File > Option > Mail > Signature
  • Create new signature (with a placeholder for your convenience)
  • Open signature folder using CMD

As the AppData folder is hidden, I'd recommend you to opne it via CMD.

cd AppData\Roamin\Microsoft
start Signatures
  • Within this folder, find a file named with your placeholder then right click this file and select edit.
  • Replace it with your HTML and save
  • Open Outlook again and check your signature

Solution 2

Unfortnately, Outlook 2010 client dosen't support HTML file import features for your email template. But you can add your own signatures by simple Copy and paste like Solution 2 above.

  • Open built html file on /dist folder and Ctrl A + C
  • Open Outlook 2010 and go to File > Option > Mail > Signature
  • Create new signature and paste copyed one

NB: base 64 will not be shown on Outlook 2010 client. So, I recommend to use external url if you want to use images.


Responsive signature in HTML


Language:JavaScript 42.2%Language:CSS 29.4%Language:HTML 28.5%