groteck / derw

An Elm-inspired language that transpiles to TypeScript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An Elm-inspired language that transpiles to TypeScript


npm install --save-dev derw


npm install -g derw


npx derw

To get started:
Start a package via `derw init`
Compile via `derw compile`
Or compile and test via `derw test`
Or find out info via `derw info`

You can run the derw compiler via npx. You must provide files via --files or be in a package directory.

npx derw

Let\'s write some Derw code
To get started:
Provide entry files via --files
Or run me without args inside a package directory
  --files [string...]:      Filenames to be given
  --test :                  Test the project
  --target ts | js | derw:  Target TS, JS or Derw output
  --output string:          Output directory name
  --verify :                Run typescript compiler on generated files to ensure valid output
  --debug :                 Show a parsed object tree
  --only string:            Only show a particular object
  --run :                   Should be run via ts-node/node
  --names :                 Check for missing names out of scope
  --format :                Format the files given in-place
  --quiet :                 Keep it short and sweet
  -h, --help :              This help text


You can find a bunch of examples in examples, along with the Typescript they generate. But the general gist is: Elm-compatible syntax where possible.

type Result a b
    = Err { error: a }
    | Ok { value: b }

asIs : Result a b -> Result a b
asIs result =
    case result of
        Err { error } -> Err { error }
        Ok { value } -> Ok { value }


0.0.1 alpha

  • Arrays [ ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 2, 1 ] ]

  • Booleans true, false

  • Boolean equality 1 < 2, 1 <= 2, 1 == 2, 1 != 2, 1 > 2, 1 >= 2

  • Boolean operations true && false, not true, true || false

  • Strings "", "hello world"

  • Format strings ``, `Hello ${name}`

  • Numbers -1, 0, 1, -1.1, 1.1

  • Addition 1 + 2, "Hello" + name

  • Subtraction 2 - 1

  • Multiplication 2 * 1

  • Division 2 / 1

  • Pipe [1, 2, 3] |> List.fold add, List.fold add <| [1, 2, 3]

  • Compose >>, <<

  • Constants hello = "hello world"

  • Function definitions

  • Lists [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ "hello", "world" ]

  • List ranges [ 1..5 ], [ start..end ]

    add : number -> number -> number
    add x y = x + y
  • Function calls

    three = add 1 2
  • Module references

    three = identity [ 1, 2, 3 ]
  • Union types

    type Result a b
        = Err { error: a }
        | Ok { value: b }
  • Type variables

    type Thing a = Thing a
  • Type aliases

    type User =
        { name: string }
  • Object literals

    user: User
    user = { name: string }
  • Imports

    import List
    import Result exposing ( map )
    import something as banana
  • Exports

    exposing ( map )
  • Let statements

    sayHiTo : User -> string
    sayHiTo user =
            name =
            "Hello " + name
    sayHelloTo : User -> string
    sayHelloTo user =
            getName: User -> string
            getName user =
            "Hello" + getName user
  • If statements

    type Animal = Animal { age: number }
    sayHiTo : Animal -> string
    sayHiTo animal =
        if animal.age == 1 of
            "Hello little one!"
            "You're old"
  • Case..of

    type Animal = Dog | Cat
    sayHiTo : Animal -> string
    sayHiTo animal =
        case animal of
            Dog -> "Hi dog!"
            Cat -> "Hi cat!"
  • Destructing in case..of

    type User = User { name: string }
    sayHiTo : User -> string
    sayHiTo user =
        case user of
            User { name } -> "Hi " + name + !"
  • strings in case..of

  • defaults in case..of

    sayHiTo : string -> string
    sayHiTo name =
        case name of
            "Noah" -> "Hi " + name + !"
            default: "I don't know you"
  • List destructing

    sayHiTo : List number -> string
    sayHiTo xs =
        case xs of
            [] -> "Empty"
            x::ys -> "Hello " + x + (sayHiTo ys)
  • Constructing union types

    type User = User { name: string }
    noah = User { name: "Noah" }
  • Errors on type name collison

    The name `Person` has been used for different things.
    8 - 10:
    type Person =
        Person { name: string }
    11 - 14:
    type alias Person = {
        name: string
  • Errors on function name collison

    The name `isTrue` has been used for different things.
    0 - 3:
    isTrue: boolean -> boolean
    isTrue x =
        x == true
    4 - 7:
    isTrue: boolean -> boolean
    isTrue x =
        x != true
  • Some form of basic type errors

    Failed to parse examples/errors/mismatching_types.derw due to:
    Error on lines 0 - 3
    Expected `boolean` but got `number` in the body of the function:
    isTrue: boolean -> boolean
    isTrue x =
        1 + 2
    Error on lines 4 - 7
    Expected `List string` but got `List number`:
    names: List string
    names =
  • lambdas \x -> x + 1, \x y -> x + y

  • Typescript output

  • Javscript output

  • Elm output

  • Module resolution

  • CLI

  • Basic type checking

  • Detect if types exist in current namespace

  • Syntax highlighting for editors

  • Collision detection for names in a module

  • Importing of Derw files

    import "./other"
    import "./something" as banana
    import "./another" exposing ( isTrue, isFalse )
  • Errors when failing to find relative import

    Warning! Failed to find `examples/derw_imports/banana` as either derw, ts or js
  • Single line comments

    -- hello
    isTrue: boolean -> boolean
    isTrue x =
  • Single line comments in function or const bodies

    isTrue: boolean -> boolean
    isTrue x =
        -- hello
  • Multiline comments

    isTrue: boolean -> boolean
    isTrue x =
  • Function arguments

    map: (a -> b) -> a -> b
    map fn value =
        fn value
  • Globals

    Globals can be accessed through the globalThis module which is imported into every namespace. E.g globalThis.console.log


  • An automatic formatter with no options

  • A standard library

  • Support for Coed

    Use html

  • Testing support via Bach

    Write a file with _test as an extension (e.g List_test.derw).

    import Test exposing (equals)
    testMath: boolean -> void
    testMath a? =
        equals 1 1

    Compile it, then run bach via npx @eeue56/bach

  • Type checking

  • Benchmarking support via Mainc

  • Async support

  • Packaging

  • Package init

    derw init
  • Package testing

    # inside a package directory
    derw test
  • Compile a package

    derw compile
  • An info command to find out stats about modules

    derw init
  • A repl

    derw repl
  • Bundling

    derw bundle --entry src/Main.derw --output dist/index.js --watch --quiet


  • Time travelling d ebugger
  • Type checking with interop with TypeScript
  • Derw compiler is written in Derw

Divergence from Elm

  • All top level consts or functions must have type definitions
  • Format strings ``
  • No need for module names in the module file itself. Use exposing instead

Editor language support

Currently VSCode syntax highlighting is supported by this extension: It is not on the marketplace because Microsoft account creation was down when I tried.

Instead, you can do:

git clone
cp -r derw-syntax ~/.vscode/extensions/derw-syntax-0.0.1


derw which means oak. Oak is one of the native trees in Wales, famous for it's long life, tall stature, and hard, good quality wood. An English speaker might pronounce it as "deh-ru".


An Elm-inspired language that transpiles to TypeScript

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%