grosser / gutentag

A good, simple, solid tagging extension for ActiveRecord.

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A good, simple, solid tagging extension for ActiveRecord.

This was built partly as a proof-of-concept, and partly to see how a tagging gem could work when it's not all stuffed within models, and partly just because I wanted a simpler tagging library. If you want to know more, read this blog post.



The first step is easy: add the tag associations to whichever models should have tags (in these examples, the Article model):

class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ... self
  # ...

That's all it takes to get a tags association on each article. Of course, populating tags can be a little frustrating, unless you want to manage Gutentag::Tag instances yourself? As an alternative, just use the tag_names accessor to get/set tags via string representations.

article.tag_names #=> ['pancakes', 'melbourne', 'ruby']
article.tag_names << 'portland'
article.tag_names #=> ['pancakes', 'melbourne', 'ruby', 'portland']
article.tag_names -= ['ruby']
article.tag_names #=> ['pancakes', 'melbourne', 'portland']

Changes to tag_names are not persisted immediately - you must save your taggable object to have the tag changes reflected in your database:

article.tag_names << 'ruby'

You can also query for instances with specified tags. The default :match mode is :any, and so provides OR logic, not AND - it'll match any instances that have any of the tags or tag names:

Article.tagged_with(:names => ['tag1', 'tag2'], :match => :any)
  :tags  => Gutentag::Tag.where(name: ['tag1', 'tag2']),
  :match => :any
Article.tagged_with(:ids => [tag_id], :match => :any)

To return records that have all specified tags, use :match => :all:

# Returns all articles that have *both* tag_a and tag_b.
Article.tagged_with(:ids => [,], :match => :all)


Get it into your Gemfile - and don't forget the version constraint!

gem 'gutentag', '~> 1.1.0'

Next: your tags get persisted to your database, so let's import and run the migrations to get the tables set up:

rake gutentag:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

If you want to use Gutentag outside of Rails, you can. However, this means you lose the migration import rake task. As a workaround, here's the expected schema (as of 0.7.0):

create_table :gutentag_taggings do |t|
  t.integer :tag_id,        null: false
  t.integer :taggable_id,   null: false
  t.string  :taggable_type, null: false
  t.timestamps null: false

add_index :gutentag_taggings, :tag_id
add_index :gutentag_taggings, [:taggable_type, :taggable_id]
add_index :gutentag_taggings, [:taggable_type, :taggable_id, :tag_id],
  unique: true, name: 'unique_taggings'

create_table :gutentag_tags do |t|
  t.string  :name,           null: false
  t.integer :taggings_count, null: false, default: 0
  t.timestamps null: false

add_index :gutentag_tags, :name, unique: true
add_index :gutentag_tags, :taggings_count



No breaking changes.

Thanks to Robin, Gutentag::Tag#name will now validate default database column lengths (#41).


Behaviour that was deprecated in 0.9.0 (has_many_tags, tagged_with arguments) have now been removed.


  • In your models with tags, change has_many_tags to self.
  • Any calls to tagged_with should change from Model.tagged_with('ruby', 'pancakes') to Model.tagged_with(:names => ['ruby', 'pancakes']).

In both of the above cases, the old behaviour will continue to work for 0.9.x releases, but with a deprecation warning.


No breaking changes.


No breaking changes.


Rails 4.2 is supported as of Gutentag 0.6.0 - but please note that due to internal changes in ActiveRecord, changes to tag_names will no longer be tracked by your model's dirty state. This feature will continue to work in Rails 3.2 through to 4.1 though.


Between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0, Gutentag switched table names from tags and taggings to gutentag_tags and gutentag_taggings. This has been done to avoid conflicting with the more generic table names that may exist in Rails apps already.

If you were using Gutentag 0.4.0 (or older) and now want to upgrade, you'll need to create a migration manually that renames these tables:

rename_table :tags,     :gutentag_tags
rename_table :taggings, :gutentag_taggings


Gutentag tries to take a convention-over-configuration approach, while also striving to be modular enough to allow changes to behaviour in certain cases.

Tag validations

The default validations on Gutentag::Tag are:

  • presence of the tag name.
  • case-insensitive uniqueness of the tag name.
  • maximum length of the tag name (if the column has a limit).

You can view the logic for this in Gutentag::TagValidations, and you can set an alternative if you wish:

Gutentag.tag_validations = CustomTagValidations

The supplied value must respond to call, and the argument supplied is the model.

Tag normalisation

Tag normalisation is used to convert supplied tag values consistently into string tag names. The default is to convert the value into a string, and then to lower-case.

If you want to do something different, provide an object that responds to call and accepts a single value to Gutentag.normaliser:

Gutentag.normaliser = lambda { |value| value.to_s.upcase }

Case-sensitive tags

Gutentag ignores case by default, but can be customised to be case-sensitive by supplying your own validations and normaliser, as outlined by Robin Mehner in issue 42. Further changes may be required for your schema though, depending on your database.


Please note that this project now has a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Gutentag is developed and maintained by Pat Allan, and is released under the open MIT Licence.


A good, simple, solid tagging extension for ActiveRecord.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%