groodt / py-local-version-identifiers

This project contains some fake data and a test script to confirm the behaviour of local version identifiers

Repository from Github https://github.comgroodt/py-local-version-identifiersRepository from Github https://github.comgroodt/py-local-version-identifiers

Local version identifiers


This project contains some fake data and a test script to confirm the behaviour of local version identifiers.

The intention is to provide guidance on the use of local version identifiers when forking / patching upstream packages and to understand how these are handled transitively.

This was originally discussed in a thread on Python Packaging.


  • “foo-pkg 2.0.0” requires “bar-pkg >= 1.0”
  • There is a desire to patch “bar-pkg 1.0.0” and publish to a private index
  • The patched “bar-pkg” is published as “bar-pkg 1.0.0+custom” to the private index
  • The “bar-pkg 1.0.0+custom” identifier makes it easy to understand and manage the original package and version that was patched

Contents of



This works as desired. The custom patched version of “bar-pkg 1.0.0+custom” is selected to satisfy the transitive dependency from “foo-pkg 2.0.0 -> bar-pkg >= 1.0”


This project contains some fake data and a test script to confirm the behaviour of local version identifiers


Language:Shell 100.0%