gromnitsky / weakspec

Generates a usable preferences page for Opera extensions on the fly.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Generates a usable preferences page for Opera extensions on the fly.

The motto: to handle preferences, write as little code as possible.

An example (works only in Opera, obviously).


To fully incorporate weakspec into your extension, you'll need 3 files:


They are all pre-compiled from CoffeeScript & can be found in for-extensions directory.

The main one is options.html. It reads special options.weakspec.js file, in which you specify a list of preferences (their groups, names, types, default values, verification callbacks, etc). If options.weakspec.js is valid, options.html automatically generate a bunch of GUI elements, where users of your extension can set & check the extension preferences.

That's very handy, I think. You don't need to write a boring 'preferences' code by yourself.

Please see examples directory for several ready extensions. e02 goes into more details about other real life staff.


All preferences are physically sit in widget.preferences object. Unfortunately it is not a hash but a object similar to W3C webstorage--a flat key-value store, where values can be only strings.

weakspec encodes values into JSONified strings. To decode them, use 2 routines from extstorage.js. See e02 example extension.


A short example:

var weakspec = {
    "Rotation" : {
        "angle" : {
            "type" : "number",
            "default" : 180,
            "desc" : "Angle in degrees",
            "range" : [-360, 360]
        "domquery" : {
            "type" : "string",
            "default" : "img",
            "desc" : "CSS selector",
            "help" : "... for document.querySelectorAll()",
            "allowEmpty" : false,
            "validationRegexp" : null

Spec requires 1 variable weakspec, which is a hash. A hash must contain at least 1 group. Each group has unlimited number of preferences. In the example above, we have 1 group named 'Rotation', which have 2 preferences, named 'angle' & 'domquery'.

Preference types

A 'type' key designates a GUI element for a preference & its additional options. For example, 'number' type can hold only a JavaScript number. If you supply an array or a string for it, a validation will fail.

Required options for all preference types

  • default

    A default value. Cannot be null. The possible value depends on a type.

  • desc

    A description string that will be drawn on the left side.

Common options for all preference types

  • help

    A help string that will popup if user hovers the '?' sign on the right.

  • validationCallback

    A function that takes 1 argument--a value and return true if value is valid & false otherwise. Use this if your preference is so complex that provided constraints cannot suit you. It validationCallback is present & != null, all other constraints are ignored.


Any JS number, signed or unsigned.


  • range

    An array of 2 elements: min & max.


A (probably short) JS string.


  • allowEmpty

    A boolean. If true, the preference can contain empty string "".

  • validationRegexp

    A string that contains a JS regexp. The preference value will be checked against it.


A fixed array of strings. Multi or single selectable.

Required Options

  • data

    An array.


  • selectedSize

    A array of integers with 2 elements. For example:

      "foobar" : {
          "desc" : "...",
          "type" : "list",
          "default" : ["one", "three"],
          "selectedSize" : [1, 2],
          "validationCallback" : null,
          "data" : ["one", "two", "three", "four"]

    [1, 2] in selectedSize means that min 1 element & max 2 elements in the list can be selected. If selectedSize would be equal to [1, 1] that means only 1 element can be selected.


A JS boolean: true or false.


A JS string that can contain newlines.


  • allowEmpty

    A boolean. If true, the preference can contain empty string "".

  • range

    An array of 2 elements: min string length & max string length.


A string that represents color values in #rrggbb (a hex triplet) format.


A string that contain a valid email address.


  • allowEmpty

    A boolean. If true, the preference can contain empty string "".


A string in UTC ISO 8601 format (without decimal fractions).


  • allowEmpty

    A boolean. If true, the preference can contain empty string "".

  • range

    An array of 2 elements: min & max.


A string in YYYY-MM-DD format.


  • allowEmpty

    A boolean. If true, the preference can contain empty string "".

  • range

    An array of 2 elements: min & max.


A string in YYYY-WNN format, where 'W' is a literal char & 'NN' is a number [1...48].


  • allowEmpty

    A boolean. If true, the preference can contain empty string "".

  • range

    An array of 2 elements: min & max.

Additional Customization

options.weakspec.js can have weakspec_opts hash. At this moment, you can supply with it a custom header displayed by options.html. For example:

var weakspec_opts = {}
weakspec_opts.header = "<h1>Hi, Mom!</h1>"

(Or any other valid html in weakspec_opts.header.)


While constructing options.weakspec.js open options.html in Opera as a any other local html page. You don't need to open it only from the installed extension (but you can, of course). widget.preferences object will be mocked.

Also make sure, you've unchecked [Scripts]->[Show parse errors and break on exception] in Dragonfly's Settings.


% gmake options.html

Run tests:

  1. DOM-less part:

    % gmake
  2. Browser related (with Jasmine):



  • Names of groups & preferences cannot contain | char.

  • range for text preference works only for upper limit due to availability of maxlength html5 attribute for a textarea element but absence of minlength.

  • datetime expects iso 8601 format in UTC without decimal fractions.

  • time is broken. Probably it's an Opera bug, because <input type='time'> cannot get through a validation phase.




Generates a usable preferences page for Opera extensions on the fly.


Language:CoffeeScript 91.1%Language:JavaScript 8.9%