grodansparadis / vscp-test-bootloader

Test software for testing of the VSCP bootloader

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


License Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

This is a simple test software for testing of the VSCP bootloader just created for testing and validation and not intended for public use.


cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt/6.7.0/gcc_64 ..

to (or similar) build or set it in cmake: configure environment in the settings for vscode.

Command line switches

Short Long Desription
-b --bootmode Set bootmode flag 0=start firmware app. 0!= start bootloader.
-B --block Block info on the form size:count where size is he size of a block in bytes and count are the number of blocks of that size.
-c --config Semicolon seperated string for interface settings.
-f --cfgfile Path to JSON configuration file
-g --guid GUID for simulated device. LSB byte is the only valid byte for Level I devices.
-h --host Host to connect to (valid for tcpip, mqtt, etc).
-i --interface INterface to use ("socketcan", "canal", "tcpip", "mqtt", etc).
-l --level 0/1 VSCP level. (0=Level I / 1=Level II)
-L --loglevel Debug level for console/file on the form level-console:level-file
-p --password Password to use for connection.
-P --port Port to uise for connection.
-S --sub Topic to subscribe to (MQTT). Can be semicolon separated list.
-t --timeout Timeout in milliseconds
-T --pub Topic to publish to (MQTT). Can be semicolon separated list.
-u --user Username to use for connection.

Bootloader mode

In bootloader mode the interface (-i) must be specified as any parameters for it (-c). bootmode must be set by setting -b0xff and -B must me used to specify block size and number of blocks. Some interfaces like MQTT , tcp/ip etc may need username/password and other settings.

btest -i socketcan -c vcan0 -b 0xff -B 256:1024

is a typical startup line to tes the bootloader over a socketcan interface.

Firmware mode

Configuration file format

The configuration file is in JSON format and defines the simulated firmware of the node. If this file is not available a default configuration will be used.

  "interface": {
    "type": "socketcan",
    "config": "value1;value2;value3",
    "connect-timeout": 5000
  "bootloader": {
    "blocks": 1000,
    "blocksize": "0x100"
  "device": {
    "name": "VSCP simulated node",
    "level": 2,
    "guid": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00",
    "mdfurl": "",
    "bUse16BitNickname": true,
    "bootflag": 0,
    "hertbeat-interval": 60,
    "caps-interval": 300,
    "bEnableLogging": true,
    "log-id": 123,
    "bEnableErrorReporting": true,
    "m_bSendHighEndServerProbe": true,
    "m_bHighEndServerResponse": true,
    "m_bEnableWriteProtectedLocations": true,
    "user-id": [0,1,2,3],
    "manufactured-id": [0,1,2,3],
    "manufacturer-sub-id": [0,1,2,3],
    "firmware-version": [0,0,1],
    "bootloader-algorithm": 0,
    "standard-device-family-code": [0,1,2,3],
    "standard-device-type-code": [0,1,2,3],
    "firmware-device-code": [0,1],
    "ip-addr": [0,1,2,3]

All numerical values can be set as a number or a string with hex (0x) / octal (0o) / binary (0b) / decimal, prefix signaling how it should be converted to the numerical value. Called "numerical string" below.

All arrays can be set using the meachism used for numerical values (value/string converted to value)


Client interface. Can currently be "socketcan", "canal", "mqtt", "tcpip", "udp", "multicast","ws1", "ws2"


A semicolon separated string with configuration data for the client interface.


Name of the device. Can be a maximum of 64 bytes long.


VSCP level to use for device. Can be 1 or 2.


GUID for device. Can be set as string, or array


URL poiting to external MDF file. If set to empty string ("") the MDF is internal. If the mdf is preceedid with "local://" a local file will be used to load the mdf. Max 32 bytyes can be used for none local file url's


Tell that a 16-bit nickname should be used.


This is the initial nickname used when the system starts up. Unititialized devices with nickname set to 255 (0xff) will do a nickname discovery to find a free nickname. The value can be a number or a string with hex (0x) / octal (0o) / binary (0b) / decimal, prefix ignaling how it should be converted to the nickname number.


The boot flag is used by the device to know which code to run. If it is zero the application will run. If it is nonzero (normally 0xff) the bootloader will run.


Heartbeat event interval in seconds. If set to zero no heartbeat events will be sent.


Capabilities event interval in seconds. If set to zero no capability events will be sent.


If set to true logging events will be sent by the device


Logging channel to use, 0-255


Set the log level. A sample is

Byte Description
0 Emergency.
1 Alert.
2 Critical.
3 Error.
4 Warning.
5 Notice.
6 Informational.
7 Debug.
8 Verbose.

but its up to the designer to choose schema.


Enable error reporting by the device. Error events will be sent.


Enable sending of high end server probe. (Only for Level II devices).


Enable responseevent on high end sever probe. (Only for Level II devices).


If set to true manufacturer id, manufacturer sub id and guid can be written. On live units this is used to set initial parameters on a device. The page select register must me set to 0xffff for any writes to be accepted.


The user id is four bytes that are client writable on a device. TGhe written data is persistent. The initial value is set here. It can be set as an array, a decimal value or as a "numerical string".


The manufacturer id is a four byte id that is set during manufacturing of a device. The value is set here. It can be set as an array, a decimal value or as a "numerical string".


The manufacturer sub id is four byte id that is set during manufacturing of a device. The value is set here. It can be set as an array, a decimal value or as a "numerical string".


This is the firmware version for the current code. The value is set here. It can be set as an array, a decimal value or as a "numerical string".


Bootloader algorithm the device uses.


This four byte value specifies the VSCP standard family code for the device. The value is set here. It can be set as an array, a decimal value or as a "numerical string".


This four byte value specifies the VSCP standard type code for the device. The value is set here. It can be set as an array, a decimal value or as a "numerical string".


This is a 16-bit code that the manufacturer set to identify the device type so that application that want to load firmware know which firmware to select. Typically the value identify the hardware reversion after which differenet firmwae is required. Also the running firmare itself can use this value to adopt itself to the hardware.


Ip address is the ipv4 or ipv6 address for a device that has one. Set to all zero if other mechanism like DHCP set the ip address. It can be set as a 32-bit integer for ipv4, a string or as an array of 8-bit numbers for ipv4 and and array of 16-bit numbers for ipv6.


Test software for testing of the VSCP bootloader

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 66.4%Language:C 18.6%Language:CMake 15.0%