griffio / reactjs-browserify-starter

browserify, babelify, babel, react 16.x.x, aphrodite, enzyme, budo, watchify, testling, faucet, livereactload, npm run script

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#ReactJS Starterify Project

Firstly, be sure to checkout the offical ReactJS incubating create-react-app as a starter with prescribed settings - however it is non-configurable and has limited features for now.

##Basic starterify project for ReactJS with extras for instant reloading, tests, CSS

Tested on Node 8.10.x, Npm 5.6.x

browserify, babelify, es2015, react 16.x.x, aphrodite, enzyme, livereactload, react-proxy, tape, watchify, faucet, and budo

.babelrc with "presets": ["react"]

git clone repo and Do it!

[sudo] npm install -g browserify testling faucet budo watchify
npm install
npm test
npm run serve

Using it!

Use --ignore-scripts=false if you have blocked npm scripting commands.

Creates react-bundle.js using npm 'pre' script to speedup builds and rebuilds. This means the vendor modules are not built each time "watch" fires. Only the application code is contained in bundle.js.

Allows live updates to code changes via livereactload plugin for browserify.

Tests are bundled under watchify, for automatic reloading, then piped to testling and faucet. “outfile” is mandatory but can be a command that receives the bundled javascript via pipe :-

watchify --outfile 'testling -x open | faucet'

The above command following -x is OS specific and is used to launch a local browser for the html file parameter.

Using testling and faucet provides tap formatted tests in the browser and console.


Args for [linux | osx]

Linux may require xorg-server-xvfb (virtual frame buffer) dependency

OSX may report from npm test as "no headless browser". You can try rm -rf ~/.config/browser-launcher and npm install phantomjs -g. Running npm test should create a new configuration section for phantomjs under ~/.config/browser-launcher.


OS specific commands

testling -x [chromium | firefox | xdg-open | open]


You must add the --ignore-scripts=false parameter if your .npmrc doesn't allow npm scripts

[sudo] npm install -g browserify testling faucet budo watchify
npm install
npm test
npm run bundle
npm run serve


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, css } from 'aphrodite';

export default class Counter extends Component {
	constructor(props) {
		this.state = {count: props.initialCounter};
		this.clickHandler = this.clickHandler.bind(this);

	clickHandler() {
		this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});

	render() {
		return <button className={css(styles.action, styles.larger)} onClick={this.clickHandler}>{this.state.count}</button>;

Counter.propTypes = {initialCounter: React.PropTypes.number};
Counter.defaultProps = {initialCounter: 0};

const styles = StyleSheet.create({

	action: {
		color: 'white',
		borderRadius: '4px',
		textShadow: '0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)',
		background: 'rgb(28, 184, 65)'

	larger: {
		fontSize: '120%'



import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Counter from "./counter.jsx";
const Heading = (props) => <h1>Counter</h1>;

ReactDOM.render(<Heading />, document.getElementById("heading"));
ReactDOM.render(<Counter initialCounter={42} />, document.getElementById("content"));


test('<Counter /> shallow state simulate click', (t) => {


  const counter = shallow(<Counter initialCounter={42}/>);

  const expected = counter.state().count + 1;


  t.equal(counter.state().count, expected, 'incremented the counter once');


test('<Counter /> mount state simulate click ', (t) => {


  const counter = mount(<Counter />);

   const expected = counter.state().count + 1;


  t.equal(counter.state().count, expected, 'incremented the counter once');



browserify, babelify, babel, react 16.x.x, aphrodite, enzyme, budo, watchify, testling, faucet, livereactload, npm run script


Language:JavaScript 89.1%Language:HTML 10.9%