% clg --help
OVERVIEW: clg, generates Color stuffs: Swift code, Objective-C code, Color Set, colors.xml, clr file, and JSON
USAGE: clg [--version] <subcommand>
-v, --version Print version
-h, --help Show help information.
clr generates clr file from input
json generates JSON from clr file OR CSV file OR ASE file a.k.a. "Adobe Swatch Exchange"
code generates Swift code, Objective-C code, Color Set, colors.xml from input
generates clr file from input
clg clr --output ~/Library/Colors sample.json
- path for output directory
generates JSON from
- clr file
- CSV file
- ASE file a.k.a. "Adobe Swatch Exchange"
clg json --output sample.json ~/Library/Colors/sample.clr
clg json --output sample.json ~/somewhere/sample.ase
clg json --output sample.json ~/somewhere/sample.csv
CSV file format should be like below
<Color Name>,<Red 256>,<Green 256>,<Blue 256>
<Color Name>,<Red 256>,<Green 256>,<Blue 256>
<Color Name>,<Red 256>,<Green 256>,<Blue 256>
- path for output
- use input file name if path is directory
- path for output
generates Swift code, Objective-C code, Color Set, colors.xml from input
clg code --output ~/somewhere/ --code swift sample.json
- directory path for output
- generate specific type of code file
- generate specific type of code file
, -c
is deprecated. Use --type
, -t
option instead.
Requires macOS Catalina.
Using homebrew:
brew install griffin-stewie/clg/clg