greyseason / scandir

Better directory iterator that returns all file info the OS provides

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scandir, a better directory iterator that returns all file info the OS provides

scandir is a module which provides a generator version of os.listdir() that also exposes the extra file information the operating system returns when you iterate a directory. scandir also provides a much faster version of os.walk(), because it can use the extra file information exposed by the scandir() function.


Python's built-in os.walk() is significantly slower than it needs to be, because -- in addition to calling listdir() on each directory -- it calls stat() on each file to determine whether the filename is a directory or not. But both FindFirstFile / FindNextFile on Windows and readdir on Linux/OS X/BSD already tell you whether the files returned are directories or not, so no further stat system calls are needed. In short, you can reduce the number of system calls from about 2N to N, where N is the total number of files and directories in the tree.

In practice, removing all those extra system calls makes os.walk() about 8-9 times as fast on Windows, and about 3-4 times as fast on Linux and Mac OS X. So we're not talking about micro-optimizations. See more benchmarks below.

Somewhat relatedly, many people have also asked for a version of os.listdir() that yields filenames as it iterates instead of returning them as one big list. This improves memory efficiency for iterating very large directories.

So as well as a faster walk(), scandir adds a new scandir() function. They're pretty easy to use, but see below for the full API docs.

Why you should care

I'd love for these incremental (but significant!) improvements to be added to the Python standard library. This scandir module was released to help test the concept and get it in shape for inclusion in the standard os module.

There are various third-party "path" and "walk directory" libraries available, but Python's os module isn't going away anytime soon. So we might as well speed it up and add small improvements where possible.

So I'd love it if you could help test scandir, report bugs, suggest improvements, or comment on the API. And perhaps you'll see these speed-ups and API additions in Python 3.4 ... :-)


Below are results showing how many times as fast scandir.walk() is than os.walk() on various systems, found by running with no arguments as well as with the -s argument (which totals the directory size).

System version              Python version    Speed ratio    With -s
Windows 7 64 bit            2.7 64 bit        8.2            13.8
Windows XP 32 bit           2.7 32 bit

Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit         2.7 32 bit        3.2            1.8

Mac OS X 10.7.5             2.7 64 bit

These benchmarks are using the fast C version of scandir_helper, which is equivalent to os.listdir(), also written in C, except that it provides the file information along with the name.

Note that the gains are less than the above on smaller directories and greater on larger directories. This is why creates a test directory tree with a standardized size.



The API for scandir.walk() is exactly the same as os.walk(), so just read the Python docs.


The scandir() function is the scandir module's main workhorse. It's defined as follows:

scandir(path='.') -> iterator of DirEntry objects

It yields a DirEntry for each file and directory in path. Like os.listdir(), . and .. are skipped, and the entries are yielded in system-dependent order. Each DirEntry object has the following attributes and methods:

  • name: filename, relative to path (like that returned by os.listdir)
  • dirent: a dirent object or None on systems that don't support it (Windows); the dirent object has d_ino and d_type attributes
  • isdir(): like os.path.isdir(), but free on most systems (Linux, Windows, OS X)
  • isfile(): like os.path.isfile(), but free on most systems (Linux, Windows, OS X)
  • islink(): like os.path.islink(), but free on most systems (Linux, Windows, OS X)
  • lstat(): like os.lstat(), but free on Windows

Here's a good usage pattern for scandir. This is in fact almost exactly how the faster os.walk() implementation uses it:

dirs = []
nondirs = []
for entry in scandir(path):
    if entry.isdir():

Further reading


  • Make _scandir.scandir_helper functions return real iterators instead of lists
  • Move building of DirEntry objects into C module
  • Fix tests on Python 3, especially for reparse points / Win32 symbolic links

Flames, comments, bug reports

Please send flames, comments, and questions about scandir to Ben Hoyt:

File bug reports or feature requests at the GitHub project page:


Better directory iterator that returns all file info the OS provides

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License