grey-area / os_quantum_software

Curated list of open-source quantum software projects.

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Open-Source Quantum Software Projects

Curated list of open-source developed quantum software projects.

Please read the contribution guidelines before contributing.

Also please check out the Unitary Fund's 2k$ grant project for quantum OSS!


For a curated list of learning resources please check out desireevl's repo.

Quantum full-stack libraries




  • Cirq - Framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
  • Forest - Rigetti's software library for writing, simulating, compiling and executing quantum programs.
  • Ocean - D-Wave System's suite of tools for solving hard problems with quantum computers.
  • OpenQL - Compiler framework with algorithm libraries, optimizer, scheduler, QEC, mapping, micro-code generator.
  • ProjectQ - Hardware-agnostic framework with compiler and simulator with emulation capabilities.
  • Qiskit - Framework for working with noisy quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits, and algorithms (supported by IBM).
  • Strawberry Fields - Xanadu's software library for photonic quantum computing.


  • Q# - Microsoft's quantum programming language with Visual Studio integration.

Quantum simulators


  • QuaC - Parallel time-dependent open quantum systems solver.
  • QuEST - Quantum Exact Simulation Toolkit is a high performance multicore simulator of universal quantum circuits.
  • TNQVM - Tensor Network QPU Simulator for Eclipse XACC.

Common Lisp

  • BLACK-STONE - Specification and implementation of quantum common lisp, for gate-model quantum computers.
  • QVM - Rigetti's high-performance quantum virtual machine.



  • Intel Quantum Simulator - Distributed qubit register quantum simulator using OpenMP and MPI.
  • QCL - High level, hardware-agnostic programming language for quantum computers (syntax like C or Pascal).
  • Qiskit Aer - High performance simulator for quantum circuits that includes noise models (supported by IBM).
  • Qrack - Comprehensive qubit and gate implementation for developing universal virtual quantum processors.
  • Quantum++ - High-performance general purpose quantum simulator (can simulate d-dimensional qudits).




  • jquil - A Java library for quantum programming using Quil.
  • libQuantumJava - Crude translation from the C implementation of libquantum to a Java version.


  • jsquil - JavaScript interface for writing Quil programs.
  • Quantum Circuit Simulator - Smoothly runs 20+ qubit simulations in browser or on node.js server.
  • Quirk - Drag-and-drop quantum circuit simulator in your browser.


  • Cliffords.jl - Efficient calculation of Clifford circuits in Julia.
  • QSimulator.jl - Unitary and Lindbladian evolution in Julia.
  • QuantumInfo.jl - Julia library for quantum information related calculations.
  • RandomQuantum.jl - Package for generating random quantum states and processes.
  • Yao.jl - Extensible, Efficient Quantum Algorithm Design for Humans.


  • QuantumUtils - Tools for quantum control, simulation, channel representation conversion, and perturbations.


  • QOCS - Quantum OCaml Circuit Simulator is a functional approach to simulating quantum gates.


  • PIQS - Efficient simulation of open quantum dynamics of identical qubits.
  • QCircuits - User-friendly quantum circuit simulator designed for students and newcomers to quantum computing.
  • QTop - Simulation and visualization of topological quantum computers.
  • Quantum Virtual Machine - Reference implementation of Rigetti's Quantum Virtual Machine.
  • Quintuple - Simulating the 5-qubit processor of the IBM Quantum Experience.
  • QuPy - Quantum circuit simulator for both CPU and GPU.
  • QuSim - Ideal noise-free multi-qubit simulator written in 150 lines of code.
  • QuTiP - User-friendly and efficient numerical simulations of a wide variety of open quantum systems.
  • SimulaQron - Application level simulator of a quantum network.


  • Qlmp - Interpreter for the functional quantum programming language Qumin.


  • QCGPU - High-performance GPU-accelerated quantum computer simulation outlined in this arXiv paper.

Quantum annealing



  • chimera_embedding - Algorithms to generate native-structured embeddings for Chimera graphs.
  • dimod - Shared API for Ising and QUBO problems.
  • dwavebinarycsp - Map constraint satisfaction problems with binary variables to binary quadratic models.
  • dwave-cloud-client - Min. implementation of the REST interface to communicate with D-Wave's Solver API.
  • dwave_networkx - Exploration and analysis of network graphs.
  • dwave_neal - An implementation of a simulated annealing sampler.
  • dwave-system - API for easily incorporating D-Wave quantum annealers as samplers in the Ocean software stack.
  • embedding_utilities - Mapping samples between original and embedded graph.
  • micro_client_sapi_dimod - Dimod wrapper for the D-Wave Micro Client.
  • minorminer - Heuristic tool for minor graph embedding.
  • penaltymodel - Utilities and interfaces for using penalty models.
  • sapi_dimod - Dimod wrapper for D-Wave's Solver API (SAPI).

Python, C & Matlab

  • Qbsolv - QUBO solver with D-Wave or classical tabu solver backend.

Quantum algorithms


  • XACC VQE - Variational quantum eigensolver built on XACC for distributed, and shared memory systems.



  • Adapt - Algorithms for adaptive refinement of measurements.
  • FermiLib - Software for analyzing fermionic quantum simulation algorithms with ProjectQ.
  • Grove - Quantum algorithms implemented using Rigetti's pyQuil.
  • OpenFermion - Compiling and analyzing quantum algorithm for quantum chemistry simulations.
  • PennyLane - Library for quantum ML, automatic differentiation and optimization of hybrid computations.
  • QFog - Framework for analyzing both classical and quantum Bayesian Networks.
  • Qiskit Aqua - Library of various quantum algorithm implemented with Qiskit.
  • Qiskit Tutorial - Jupyter notebook filled with tutorials for Qiskit.
  • Quantum_Edward - Python tools for supervised learning by Quantum Neural Networks
  • QuantumFlow - Quantum Algorithms Development Toolkit e.g. allowing for backpropagation with QAOA.
  • Quantum TSP - Tutorials on solving Travelling Salesman Problem using quantum computing (QAOA).
  • XACC Examples - Example code using XACC for quantum computing.
  • XACC QChem - QPU Benchmarks for Quantum Chemistry via XACC, Psi4 and OpenFermion.


  • Quantum Katas - Programming exercises for learning Q# and quantum computing.

Quantum compilers


  • ScaffCC - Compilation, analysis and optimization framework for the Scaffold quantum programming language.


  • QGL.jl - A performance orientated QGL compiler.


  • UniversalQCompiler - Synthesis of isometries (including unitaries and state preparation), channels and POVMs.


  • PyZX - Python library for quantum circuit rewriting and optimisation using the ZX-calculus.
  • QGL2 Compiler - Language compiler for imperative Quantum Gate Language (QGL).
  • Qiskit Terra - Python library for quantum circuit rewriting and optimization (supported by IBM).
  • Qubiter - Quantum compiler with Python wrapper for LAPACK's CS Decomposition to build a binary tree of matrices.

Common Lisp

  • quilc - Rigetti's optimizing Quil compiler.

Quantum assembly

  • Blackbird - Open-source quantum instruction language currently used for Xanadu's photonic hardware.
  • OpenQASM - Open-source quantum assembly language.
  • QMASM - A quantum macro assembler for D-Wave's quantum annealers.
  • Quil - An open hybrid quantum/classical instruction set currently used by Rigetti. Parser

Quantum and post-quantum cryptography


  • liboqs - C library for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms.
  • openssh - OpenSSH with quantum-safe key exchange algorithms.
  • openssl - OpenSSL with quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms.


Experimental quantum computing


  • Qlab.jl - Generic lab tools in Julia.


  • Qlab - Measurement and control software for superconducting qubits.


  • ARTIQ - Next-generation control system for quantum information experiments.
  • PyQLab - Library for instrument control and superconducting QIP experiments.
  • QFlow-lite - Machine Learning tools for autotuning quantum dot experiments.
  • QGL - Domain-specific language embedded in Python for specifying pulse sequences.
  • Quince - Node-based GUI that allows for graphical configuration of qubit experiments in Auspex.
  • qupulse - Quantum computing pulse parametrization and sequencing framework (formerly qc-toolkit).

Quantum fun

Board games

  • Entanglion - The world’s first open source quantum computing board game. For 2 players.


Python & JavaScript


Quantum tools


  • QI - Toolkit for common quantum information functions.


  • IBM Q bot - Bot for Slack and Telegram to monitor the load of IBM Q quantum computers.


Abandoned projects

2+ years of inactivity. Feel free to reanimate, document and contribute to some of this work!


See the contribution guidelines.



To the extent possible under law, Mark Fingerhuth has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


Curated list of open-source quantum software projects.

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal