gremo / GremoPjaxBundle

Symfony bundle that provide a lightweight yet powerfull integration with pjax jQuery plugin

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Symfony bundle that provide a lightweight yet powerfull integration with pjax jQuery plugin.

New contributors are welcome!


Add the bundle in your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "gremo/pjax-bundle": "~1.0"

Then enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Gremo\PjaxBundle\GremoPjaxBundle(),
        // ...


Integration is disabled by default, see "Usage" to find out which method you need to enable.

Short configuration:

# GremoPjaxBundle Configuration
    annotations:          false # should annotations be enabled?
    controller_injection: false # should controller injection be enabled?

Full configuration and defaults:

# GremoPjaxBundle Configuration
    # Annotations configuration
        enabled: false # should annotations be enabled?
        # Annotation defaults (see "Annotations")
            version: ~
            filter:  true

    # Controller injection configuration
        enabled: false # should controller injection be enabled?
        # How controller parameters should be named?
            X-PJAX: _isPjax
            X-PJAX-Container: _pjaxContainer


This bundle provides two different types of integration: annotations and controller injection.


This is the most unobtrusive way and it's fully automatic:

  • You don't need custom template logic or controller logic
  • Response HTML is automatically filtered (if filter option is true) and a <title> tag is injected in the pjax container fragment
  • Response time will slightly increase due to the filtering logic, but you still save bandwidth

Note: everything that is not a successfull response or text/html is simply ignored.

Available options:

  • version (string, default null): sets the pjax version (see Layout Reloading)
  • filter (bool, default true): whatever respose should contain only the pjax container or the full HTML

Note: annotations defined on a controller action inherit from class annotation and replace defaults from configuration.

The @Pjax annotation on a controller class defines all action routes as pjax-aware:


use Gremo\PjaxBundle\Annotation\Pjax;

 * @Pjax(version="1.2")
class DefaultController extends Controller
    // ...

Instead, on a controller action, the annotation defines the route as pjax-aware:


use Gremo\PjaxBundle\Annotation\Pjax;

class DefaultController extends Controller
     * @Pjax(filter=false)
    public function indexAction(Request $request)
        // ...

Controller injection

This is the most obtrusive way but potentially the most powerful one:

  • You need to define the pjax action parameters (names are configurable)
  • You need to define a custom template/controller logic for returing the full HTML or just the pjax container
  • Extra logic allows to save queries and reduce the response time

class DefaultController extends Controller
     * @Route("/", name="homepage")
    public function indexAction(Request $request, $_isPjax, $_pjaxContainer)
        if ($_isPjax) {
            // Return just the pjax container HTML if pjax is enabled
            // ...

        // Return the full layout
        // ...


Symfony bundle that provide a lightweight yet powerfull integration with pjax jQuery plugin


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