greglook / blocks-s3

Clojure content-addressable block store backed by Amazon S3.

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This library implements a content-addressable block store backed by a bucket in Amazon S3.


Library releases are published on Clojars. To use the latest version with Leiningen, add the following dependency to your project definition:

Clojars Project


The namespace provides the s3-block-store constructor, or you can use the s3://<bucket>/<prefix> URI syntax with block/->store. Stores are constructed with a bucket name and should usually include a key prefix. Each block is stored as a separate object, keyed by the hex-encoded multihash under the store's prefix.

With no other arguments, this will use the AWS SDK's default logic to find credentials. Otherwise, they can be provided by passing the store a :credentials value - this can be a custom credentials provider, a static set of credentials, or a map with at least an :access-key and :secret-key entries.

=> (require '[blocks.core :as block]
            '[ :refer [s3-block-store]]
            '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])

; Create a new block store backed by S3:
=> (def store
       (s3-block-store "my-bucket"
                       :prefix "foo/bar/"
                       :region :us-west-2
                       :sse :aes-256)))

=> store
{:bucket "my-bucket",
 :client #<>,
 :prefix "foo/bar/",
 :region :us-west-2,
 :sse :aes-256}

; Files can be stored as blocks:
=> (def readme @(block/store! store (io/file "")))

; Returned blocks have S3 storage metadata:
=> (meta readme)
{:bucket "my-bucket",
 :key "foo/bar/1220a57d35a4d1b0405b275644fe9f18766a8e662cb56ed48d232a71153a78d81424",
 :metadata {"ETag" "6aa4f9b538ca79110dfdfeeed92da7f2",
            "x-amz-server-side-encryption" "AES256"}}

; Listing blocks finds objects in the bucket:
=> (block/list-seq store :limit 5)
 {:id #multi/hash "1220a57d35a4d1b0405b275644fe9f18766a8e662cb56ed48d232a71153a78d81424",
  :size 3152,
  :stored-at #inst "2019-03-11T21:30:24Z"})

; Getting blocks makes a HEAD request to S3 to fetch object metadata.
=> @(block/get store (:id readme))
{:id #multi/hash "1220a57d35a4d1b0405b275644fe9f18766a8e662cb56ed48d232a71153a78d81424",
 :size 3152,
 :stored-at #inst "2019-03-11T21:30:24Z"}

; Returned blocks are lazy; content is not streamed until the block is opened.
=> (block/lazy? *1)


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the UNLICENSE file for more information.


Clojure content-addressable block store backed by Amazon S3.

License:The Unlicense


Language:Clojure 100.0%