gregho67 / unity-projects

Overview of all my personal and student Unity projects

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Unity Projects

Personal project - Mobile game

This is a project I started around 2 years ago to try and learn mobile game developpment on Unity. This is a 2D game with an 8-bit style. The player can shoot arrows by tapping on the screen and he has to shoot the ennemies to gain points while being careful not to touch innocents with his projectiles.

I made some of the assets for this game and used or modified some other free assets that I found mostly on OpengameArt. The game itself is almost complete since it's playable on multiple mobile devices, but I intend to continue working on it to improve the looks and the gameplay and fix eventual bugs. I would like to publish it once it is more refined in order to get a few reviews on what I could add or improve.

Start menu Options menu
8bit mobile game main menu 8bit mobile game options menu
First boss Second boss Third boss
8bit mobile game first boss 8bit mobile game second boss 8bit mobile game third boss

8 bit mobile game demo video :

Student projects

Wrecking Brawl

This is a game that I made with a group a 10 person during my third year in college. We were tasked to create a multiplayer version of an arcade game using Unity. We chose to adapt a Derby Demolition game in 3D by using our own assets.

In Wrecking Brawl, the player controls a car that he can move around in an arena. The goal is to be the last car standing, which can be achieved by colliding with the other players to inflict damage to their cars. Once the car's durability reaches 0 the player is eliminated. There are multiple boosts lying around the arena which can help the player deal more damage or void hits.

In this project I worked on different aspects of the game such as creating the menus, adding a spectator view and also working on a first version of the cars movements and collisions. I also designed part of the game's website which can be found here (Note : the website is currently down due to a server problem).

Wrecking Brawl's logo Garage menu
Wrecking Brawl's logo Garage menu in Wrecking Brawl
Arena map Coliseum map
Wrecking Brawl's arena Wrecking Brawl's coliseum
Mobile gameplay Spectator view
Wrecking Brawl's logo Wrecking Brawl's logo

Wrecking Brawl's trailer :

3D First Person Shooter

I made a 3D FPS on Unity with 2 other students during my third year of college. Our task was to create any type of 3D game using some of the things we learned on Unity during the semester. We made a zombie like surival game in which you have to fight waves of enemies and defeat a boss aftewards. You can buy weapons and ammunitions using the money dropped by the enemies. There are 2 available maps, one in the desert and one in a spaceship. The enemies are AI controlled and they follow and shoot the player when he comes near them.

For this project I focused on developping player controlled actions such as the handling of guns, with the animations (aiming, shooting, reload), the shooting and reload system, the movements and the buying system.

Spaceship map Combat
Spaceship map for the 3D FPS game Combat in the 3D FPS Game
Lootbox Shotgun
The lootbox in the 3D FPS game The shotgun in the 3D FPS game

3D FPS demo video :

Level building and cinematic capture

During my last semester of college, I had a level building project to make on Unity. This was given as a task in a class to learn video games basics that I took during my exchange semester in Sherbrooke. I built a terrain entirely using assets that I found on the Unity asset store and some assets that I made. The goal was to use different tools of the engine such as : skyboxes, terrain, ProBuilder, visual effects and music. I based my level off of the japanese animated series Made In Abyss. I tried to recreate the island with the hole in the middle, the main place where the series takes place. I learned a lot during this project since this was my first time building up an entire level. This was a great way to experience other aspects of the engine which I didn't really used in my previous college classes.

Global view Close up view
Spaceship map for the 3D FPS game Combat in the 3D FPS Game

Made In Abyss level preview video :

VR Phobia experience

During my semester in Sherbrooke, I also took a class about interactive and virtual worlds. We had to submit either an interactive experience or a research paper on interactive and virtual worlds. I chose to create a phobia therapy/experience in VR. Since we only had an Oculus Go to work with, I decided to make a simple, that's why I made an experience where the user stays in a single room with 4 doors and has the ability to launch a random phobia visualization by clicking one of the doors. I wanted everything to happen inside the room so to do that, I mapped simulations directly onto the walls and hid the doors so that the user can visualize correctly. By pressing a certain button, users can end directly the simulation and return to the original room.

The 4 phobia I chose to demonstrate were :

  • The thalassophobia (fear of the abyss/deep ocean)
  • The claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces)
  • The coulrophobia (fear of clowns)
  • The scopophobia (fear of being watched)
Initial room Thalassophobia room
Spaceship map for the 3D FPS game Combat in the 3D FPS Game
Coulrophobia room Scopophobia room
The lootbox in the 3D FPS game The shotgun in the 3D FPS game

VR phobia demo video :


Overview of all my personal and student Unity projects