gregbkr / serverless-aws-ci

Deploy Lambda + API app with serverless, codepipeline ci in AWS

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Serverless Framework: Lambda + API in codebuild in AWS


CodePipeline will create 2 Lambda apps (javascript + python3) and get a domain url via Apigateway + route53, using serverless

I used this tuto.



  • Optional: create a certificate for this API e.g.: *
  • You can create a new serverless template with : serverless create --template aws-nodejs
  • First create the IAM user with:
cd cloudformation
nano main.yml <-- edit with your needs
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name serverless-demo-hello-dev-cf --template-body file://main.yml
aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name serverless-demo-hello-dev-cf --template-body file://main.yml <-- if already created
  • You will get the value from the output.

Deploy manually

  • Deploy with: sls deploy --stage develop --verbose
  • Deploy to prod: sls deploy --stage master --verbose

To deploy to all component another environment, in DEV, change the stack-name user:

Test with your own URL and API key (you will find the key in aws console apigateway -> apikeys):

curl -H "x-api-key: CsYjYxhWiNaKho6Bqt9EW2UbQulgd5475H947qyb"
{"message": "hello world"}%

Deploy via CI

  • Edit ci with your needs: nano .gitlab-ci.yml
  • Push file

Deploy/test locally

serverless offline
curl http://localhost:3000/dev/hellojs

Check values

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name gitlabpoc --region eu-west-1
--query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==ServerlessApiKey].OutputValue'
--output text

Destroy all

  • Destroy using the right region: aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name sam-demo-develop --region eu-west-1


  • Secure with APIkey
  • Dev + Prod
  • Cloudformation init
  • Ci create + delete stack


Deploy Lambda + API app with serverless, codepipeline ci in AWS


Language:Python 65.4%Language:Shell 18.0%Language:JavaScript 16.6%