gregbkr / myapp-eks

EKS deployed with Terraform in AWS, simple helloworld CI/CD with CodeBuild & CodePipeline

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MyApp: HA container in EKS (AWS managed kubernetes)


This setup will deploy an EKS cluster in AWS, using CloudFormation. In this cluster, we will deploy a simple helloworld container, with automatic CI/CD from AWS PipeLine.

More info: you can find an overview of that setup on my blog



  • Cloud: AWS
  • EKS: managed Kubernetes container orchestrator (on 3 availability zones for redundancy)
  • ECR: container registry to store hello image
  • App: a simple hello world in nodejs (folder hello)
  • Code source: Github
  • Deployment: Terraform describes all components to be deployed. One command line will setup the infra
  • CI/CD: Codepipeline to build and deploy the app in EKS

CI/CD flow diagram


A simple git push from a developer in Github will launch the whole CI/CD process. Docker image will build and containers in EKS will be updated to run that new image without any downtime.



Please setup on your laptop:

  • AWS cli and AWS account to deploy in eu-west-1
  • Docker and Compose
  • Github personal token with admin:repo_hook, repo rights from here

Test app on your laptop

Check the app locally:

cd hello
docker-compose up -d
curl localhost 8080

Deploy to AWS

  • Set a unique project prefix and your github token:
cd terraform
export TAG=hello-protos   <-- please change to your prefix!
export GITHUBTOKEN=xxxx   <-- You token here
nano buildspec-eks.yml    <-- edit build vars
  • Deploy EKS and CodePipeline:
terraform init
terraform apply -var gitHubToken=$GITHUBTOKEN -var tag=$TAG

Check EKS

  • Cd cd ..
  • Setup your kubeconfig: aws eks --region eu-west-1 update-kubeconfig --name $TAG
  • Test: kubectl get svc
  • Deploy hello app (using dockerhub hello image): kubectl apply -f hello/hello.yml
  • Test the app by curling the public DNS EXTERNAL-IP:PORT listed here: kubectl get all
  • Curl: curl
  • Delete deploy: kubectl delete -f hello/hello.yml


  • For CodeBuild IAM role to be able to deploy to EKS, you need to add a permission in EKS as described here
  • Backup the configmap first: kubectl get -o yaml -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth > aws-auth.yml
  • Edit it: kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth
  • And replace with your build role ARN and add the block below the mapUsers: | section :
    - userarn: arn:aws:iam::[YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID]:role/[YOUR_TAG]-build-role
      username: codebuild
        - system:masters
  • You can push code in the master and 'dev' branch which will trigger prod and dev pipelines.
  • After a successful build, check k8s services and pods: kubectl get all

Deploy a unique Loadbalancer

  • Because we don't want each service hello-dev & hello-prod to deploy each a external loadbalancer, we will use a unique ingress-nginx controller. This ingress-controller will create an AWS NLB and link created ingress definitions
kubectl apply -f
kubectl -n ingress-nginx get svc    <-- external DNS
kubectl get ingress
  • Check your service using curl and header to target dev or prod:
curl -H 'Host:'
Hello world *DEV* v3.6 from server: hello-dev-5c97c6dd6c-pqw9s%

curl -H 'Host:'
Hello world *PROD* v3.6 from server: hello-prod-d7566b444-4m97r%

Destroy all

To delete EKS, CodeBuild, CodePipeline (carefull, ALL will be deleted)

aws s3 rb s3://${TAG}-codebuild --force
aws s3 rb s3://${TAG}-codepipeline --force
cd terraform
terraform destroy


  • Deploy with eksctl:
eksctl create cluster \
--name $TAG \
--version 1.14 \
--nodegroup-name standard-workers \
--node-type t2.medium \
--nodes 2 \
--nodes-min 2 \
--nodes-max 3 \
--node-ami auto
  • To scale up the node: eksctl scale nodegroup --cluster hello-terra-bkr --name standard-workers --nodes 4


EKS deployed with Terraform in AWS, simple helloworld CI/CD with CodeBuild & CodePipeline


Language:HCL 94.3%Language:Dockerfile 2.9%Language:JavaScript 2.8%