greg-finley / lichess-bigquery

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Turns out loading all the moves and games into BigQuery would be possible, but it would cost >$200/month to store and something like $300 to run a single query on all the moves, so giving up.


This library exposes the Lichess database as public Google BigQuery tables that anyone can query.


  1. Dive straight into the data without having to parse or store it yourself. The history of Standard lichess games is about 7 TB uncompressed.
  2. Extract subsets of games (your games, tournament games, grandmasters whose handles start with the letter "d") without having to parse irrelevant games.
  3. Do fun stuff with SQL! (EXPAND WITH EXAMPLES)


  1. Explain project
  2. Tell about how to sign up for BigQuery and give samples, how to find all available tables, how it's free up to certain limits, example how to use partitions
  3. bq update -d --storage_billing_model=PHYSICAL greg-finley:lichess
  4. Handle all the giant files for standard chess
  5. Section encouraging people to tell me if they did anything interesting with the data
  6. Talk about how to keep costs down. Prototype on variant tables / early Lichess tables. Don't select unnecessary columns. Export to GCS and then download.

Sample queries


  • Has someone put a knight on all four corners of the board at some point in a game and still won?
  • Get checkmated despite having three queens
  • Highest move number to achieve a unique FEN
  • Player involved in most unique FENs
  • Reproduce some of the analysis from Lichess Game Insights

Setting up a VM to run this script

Set up Scala machine

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https curl gnupg -yqq
echo "deb all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
echo "deb /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt_old.list
curl -sL "" | sudo -H gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/scalasbt-release.gpg --import
sudo chmod 644 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/scalasbt-release.gpg
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sbt wget -y
sudo apt-get -qqy install ./jdk-19_linux-x64_bin.deb
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-19/bin/java 1919
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd scalalib && sbt publishLocal && cd ..
cd scalachess && sbt publishLocal && cd ..
cd lichess-bigquery && sbt compile

setsid nohup sbt run &

Set up Python machine

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-distutils git zstd -y
git clone
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
cd lichess-bigquery && pip install -r requirements.txt

nohup python3 -u &

Clone an existing VM

gcloud compute disks create lichess-night-night2 --project=greg-finley --type=pd-balanced --size=20GB --zone=europe-west6-a --source-disk=projects/greg-finley/zones/europe-west6-a/disks/lichess-night-night

gcloud compute instances create lichess-night-night2 \
 --project=greg-finley \
 --zone=europe-west6-a \
 --machine-type=e2-highcpu-8 \
 --network-interface=network-tier=PREMIUM,subnet=default \
 --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE \
 --provisioning-model=STANDARD \ \
 --scopes= \
 --disk=auto-delete=yes,boot=yes,device-name=lichess-night-night2,mode=rw,name=lichess-night-night2 \
 --no-shielded-secure-boot \
 --shielded-vtpm \
 --shielded-integrity-monitoring \

gcloud compute ssh --zone "europe-west6-a" "lichess-night-night2" --project "greg-finley"

Games without moves

with moves as (SELECT game_id FROM `greg-finley.lichess.moves_antichess_2014_12`
group by 1)
select g.* from `greg-finley.lichess.games_antichess_2014_12` g
left join moves
on moves.game_id = g.GameId
where moves.game_id is null
limit 100


For lichess_db_racingKings_rated_2023-01 (75k games):

e2-medium: $0.04/hour, sbt run in 03:05 e2-highcpu-4: $0.11/hour, sbt run in 1:26 e2-highcpu-8: $0.22/hour, sbt run in 0:43 e2-standard-8: $0.30/hour, sbt run in 0:40 e2-highcpu-16: $0.44/hour, sbt run in 0:32 e2-highcpu-32: $0.87/hour, sbt run in 0:26


License:MIT License


Language:Scala 71.6%Language:Python 28.4%