greenpeace / gpes-add-to-cal-wp-shortcode

Shortcode to create links that add an event to the user's calendar

Repository from Github https://github.comgreenpeace/gpes-add-to-cal-wp-shortcodeRepository from Github https://github.comgreenpeace/gpes-add-to-cal-wp-shortcode

Add an event to the user's calendar

With this Wordpress plugin you can add links to add an event to the user's calendar. Use a shortcode like the example bellow.

How to use

Copy-paste the code bellow to your posts and pages.

[add_to_cal date='2018-12-25' time='12:01:00' duration='60' title='Please add a title to the event' description='Please add a description to the event' address='Please add an address to the event']

Graphic user interface

If you use Shortcake Shortcode UI you can insert the links using the graphic user interface.


This shortcode uses Google Analytics events to track clicks in the add to calendar links. It supports both the gtag tracking code and analytics.js.

How to install

  1. Upload the add-to-cal folder to wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activate the Add event to calendar plugin.

If you use Shortcake Shortcode UI you should also:

  1. Upload the add-to-cal-ui folder to wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activate the Add to call UI plugin.

How to translate (new language)

  1. Open the languages/add-to-call.pot file with Poedit.
  2. Create new language.
  3. Translate.
  4. Save the .po and .mo files as the examples inside the languages folder.


Shortcode to create links that add an event to the user's calendar

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:PHP 71.3%Language:JavaScript 28.7%