whatsapp-api-client-python is a library for integration with WhatsApp messenger using the API service green-api.com. You should get a registration token and an account ID in your personal cabinet to use the library. There is a free developer account tariff.
The documentation for the REST API can be found at the link. The library is a wrapper for the REST API, so the documentation at the link above also applies.
To send a message or perform other GREEN API methods, the WhatsApp account in the phone app must be authorized. To authorize the account, go to your cabinet and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app.
python -m pip install whatsapp-api-client-python
from whatsapp_api_client_python import API
greenAPI = API.GreenAPI(
"1101000001", "d75b3a66374942c5b3c019c698abc2067e151558acbd412345"
Link to example: sendTextMessage.py.
response = greenAPI.sending.sendMessage("11001234567@c.us", "Message text")
Link to example: sendPictureByLink.py.
response = greenAPI.sending.sendFileByUrl(
"Sample PNG"
Link to example: sendPictureByUpload.py.
response = greenAPI.sending.sendFileByUpload(
"Available rates"
Attention. If one tries to create a group with a non-existent number, WhatsApp may block the sender's number. The number in the example is non-existent.
Link to example: createGroupAndSendMessage.py.
create_group_response = greenAPI.groups.createGroup(
"Group Name", ["11001234567@c.us"]
if create_group_response.code == 200:
send_message_response = greenAPI.sending.sendMessage(
create_group_response.data["chatId"], "Message text"
Link to example: receiveNotification.py.
The general concept of receiving data in the GREEN API is described here. To start receiving notifications by the HTTP API you need to execute the library method:
onEvent - your function which should contain parameters:
Parameter | Description |
typeWebhook | received notification type (str) |
body | notification body (dict) |
Notification body types and formats can be found here.
This method will be called when an incoming notification is received. Next, process notifications according to the business logic of your system.
Link to example: sendPoll.py.
response = greenAPI.sending.sendPoll(
"Please choose a color:",
{"optionName": "Red"},
{"optionName": "Green"},
{"optionName": "Blue"}
Description | Module |
Example of sending text | sendTextMessage.py |
Example of sending a picture by URL | sendPictureByLink.py |
Example of sending a picture by uploading from the disk | sendPictureByUpload.py |
Example of a group creation and sending a message to the group | createGroupAndSendMessage.py |
Example of incoming webhooks receiving | receiveNotification.py |
Example of sending a polling message | sendPoll.py |
API method | Description | Documentation link |
account.getSettings |
The method is designed to get the current settings of the account | GetSettings |
account.getWaSettings |
The method is designed to get information about the WhatsApp account | GetWaSettings |
account.setSettings |
The method is designed to set the account settings | SetSettings |
account.getStateInstance |
The method is designed to get the state of the account | GetStateInstance |
account.getStatusInstance |
The method is designed to get the socket connection state of the account instance with WhatsApp | GetStatusInstance |
account.reboot |
The method is designed to restart the account | Reboot |
account.logout |
The method is designed to unlogin the account | Logout |
account.qr |
The method is designed to get a QR code | QR |
account.setProfilePicture |
The method is designed to set the avatar of the account | SetProfilePicture |
account.getAuthorizationCode |
The method is designed to authorize an instance by phone number | GetAuthorizationCode |
device.getDeviceInfo |
The method is designed to get information about the device (phone) on which the WhatsApp Business application is running | GetDeviceInfo |
groups.createGroup |
The method is designed to create a group chat | CreateGroup |
groups.updateGroupName |
The method changes the name of the group chat | UpdateGroupName |
groups.getGroupData |
The method gets group chat data | GetGroupData |
groups.addGroupParticipant |
The method adds a participant to the group chat | AddGroupParticipant |
groups.removeGroupParticipant |
The method removes the participant from the group chat | RemoveGroupParticipant |
groups.setGroupAdmin |
The method designates a member of a group chat as an administrator | SetGroupAdmin |
groups.removeAdmin |
The method deprives the participant of group chat administration rights | RemoveAdmin |
groups.setGroupPicture |
The method sets the avatar of the group | SetGroupPicture |
groups.leaveGroup |
The method logs the user of the current account out of the group chat | LeaveGroup |
journals.getChatHistory |
The method returns the chat message history | GetChatHistory |
journals.getMessage |
The method returns a chat message | GetMessage |
journals.lastIncomingMessages |
The method returns the most recent incoming messages of the account | LastIncomingMessages |
journals.lastOutgoingMessages |
The method returns the last sent messages of the account | LastOutgoingMessages |
queues.showMessagesQueue |
The method is designed to get the list of messages that are in the queue to be sent | ShowMessagesQueue |
queues.clearMessagesQueue |
The method is designed to clear the queue of messages to be sent | ClearMessagesQueue |
marking.readChat |
The method is designed to mark chat messages as read | ReadChat |
receiving.receiveNotification |
The method is designed to receive a single incoming notification from the notification queue | ReceiveNotification |
receiving.deleteNotification |
The method is designed to remove an incoming notification from the notification queue | DeleteNotification |
receiving.downloadFile |
The method is for downloading received and sent files | DownloadFile |
sending.sendMessage |
The method is designed to send a text message to a personal or group chat | SendMessage |
sending.sendButtons |
The method is designed to send a message with buttons to a personal or group chat | SendButtons |
sending.sendTemplateButtons |
The method is designed to send a message with interactive buttons from the list of templates in a personal or group chat | SendTemplateButtons |
sending.sendListMessage |
The method is designed to send a message with a selection button from a list of values to a personal or group chat | SendListMessage |
sending.sendFileByUpload |
The method is designed to send a file loaded through a form (form-data) | SendFileByUpload |
sending.sendFileByUrl |
The method is designed to send a file downloaded via a link | SendFileByUrl |
sending.uploadFile |
The method is designed to upload a file to the cloud storage, which can be sent using the sendFileByUrl method | UploadFile |
sending.sendLocation |
The method is designed to send a geolocation message | SendLocation |
sending.sendContact |
The method is for sending a message with a contact | SendContact |
sending.sendLink |
The method is designed to send a message with a link that will add an image preview, title and description | SendLink |
sending.forwardMessages |
The method is designed for forwarding messages to a personal or group chat | ForwardMessages |
sending.sendPoll |
The method is designed for sending messages with a poll to a private or group chat | SendPoll |
serviceMethods.checkWhatsapp |
The method checks if there is a WhatsApp account on the phone number | CheckWhatsapp |
serviceMethods.getAvatar |
The method returns the avatar of the correspondent or group chat | GetAvatar |
serviceMethods.getContacts |
The method is designed to get a list of contacts of the current account | GetContacts |
serviceMethods.getContactInfo |
The method is designed to obtain information about the contact | GetContactInfo |
serviceMethods.deleteMessage |
The method deletes the message from chat | DeleteMessage |
serviceMethods.editMessage |
The method edits the message in chat | EditMessage |
serviceMethods.archiveChat |
The method archives the chat | ArchiveChat |
serviceMethods.unarchiveChat |
The method unarchives the chat | UnarchiveChat |
serviceMethods.setDisappearingChat |
The method is designed to change the settings of disappearing messages in chats | SetDisappearingChat |
webhooks.startReceivingNotifications |
The method is designed to start receiving new notifications | |
webhooks.stopReceivingNotifications |
The method is designed to stop receiving new notifications |
- requests - for HTTP requests.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) terms. Please see file LICENSE.