PHP library for integration with WhatsApp messenger via API of service. To use the library you have to get a registration token and an account id in the personal area. There is a free developer account tariff plan.
You can find REST API documentation by url. The library is a wrapper for REST API, so the documentation at the above url applies to the library as well.
Via Composer:
composer require green-api/whatsapp-api-client-php
require './vendor/autoload.php';
To send a message or to execute some other Green-API method, you have to have the WhatsApp account in the phone application to be authorized. To authorize your account please go to the personal area and scan a QR-code using the WhatsApp application.
php -S localhost:8080
$greenApi = new GreenApiClient( ID_INSTANCE, API_TOKEN_INSTANCE );
$result = $greenApi->sending->sendMessage('', 'Message text');
Example url: sendTextMessage.php
Please note that keys can be obtained from environment variables:
require './vendor/autoload.php';
define( "ID_INSTANCE", getenv("ID_INSTANCE" ));
$result = $greenApi->sending->sendFileByUrl(
'', '',
'googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png', 'Google logo');
Example url: sendPictureByLink.php
$result = $greenApi->sending->sendFileByUpload('',
'C:\Games\PicFromDisk.png', 'PicFromDisk.jpg', 'Picture from disk');
Example url: sendPictureByUpload.php
$chatIds = [
$resultCreate = $greenApi->groups->createGroup('GroupName', $chatIds );
if ($resultCreate->code == 200)
$resultSend = $greenApi->sending->sendMessage($resultCreate->data->chatId,
'Message text');
IMPORTANT: If one tries to create a group with a non-existent number, WhatsApp may block the sender's number. The number in the example is non-existent.
Example url: createGroupAndSendMessage.php
The general concept of receiving data in the Green API is described here To start receiving messages by the HTTP API you need to execute the library method:
onEvent - your method which should contain parameters:
Parameter | Description |
typewebhook | received message type (string) |
body | message body (json) |
Message body types and formats here
This method will be called when an incoming message is received. Next, process messages according to the business logic of your system.
Description | Module |
Example of sending text | sendTextMessage.php |
Example of sending a picture by URL | sendPictureByLink.php |
Example of sending a picture by uploading from the disk | sendPictureByUpload.php |
Example of a group creation and sending a message to the group | createGroupAndSendMessage.php |
Example of incoming webhooks receiving | receiveNotification.php |
API method | Description | Documentation link |
account.getSettings |
The method is designed to get the current settings of the account | GetSettings |
account.setSettings |
The method is designed to set the account settings | SetSettings |
account.getStateInstance |
The method is designed to get the state of the account | GetStateInstance |
account.getStatusInstance |
The method is designed to get the socket connection state of the account instance with WhatsApp | GetStatusInstance |
account.reboot |
The method is designed to restart the account | Reboot |
account.logout |
The method is designed to unlogin the account | Logout |
account.qr |
The method is designed to get a QR code | QR |
account.setProfilePicture |
The method is designed to set the avatar of the account | SetProfilePicture |
device.getDeviceInfo |
The method is designed to get information about the device (phone) on which the WhatsApp Business application is running | GetDeviceInfo |
groups.createGroup |
The method is designed to create a group chat | CreateGroup |
groups.updateGroupName |
The method changes the name of the group chat | UpdateGroupName |
groups.getGroupData |
The method gets group chat data | GetGroupData |
groups.addGroupParticipant |
The method adds a participant to the group chat | AddGroupParticipant |
groups.removeGroupParticipant |
The method removes the participant from the group chat | RemoveGroupParticipant |
groups.setGroupAdmin |
The method designates a member of a group chat as an administrator | SetGroupAdmin |
groups.removeAdmin |
The method deprives the participant of group chat administration rights | RemoveAdmin |
groups.setGroupPicture |
The method sets the avatar of the group | SetGroupPicture |
groups.leaveGroup |
The method logs the user of the current account out of the group chat | LeaveGroup |
journals.getChatHistory |
The method returns the chat message history | GetChatHistory |
journals.lastIncomingMessages |
The method returns the most recent incoming messages of the account | LastIncomingMessages |
journals.lastOutgoingMessages |
The method returns the last sent messages of the account | LastOutgoingMessages |
queues.showMessagesQueue |
The method is designed to get the list of messages that are in the queue to be sent | ShowMessagesQueue |
queues.clearMessagesQueue |
The method is designed to clear the queue of messages to be sent | ClearMessagesQueue |
marking.readChat |
The method is designed to mark chat messages as read | ReadChat |
receiving.receiveNotification |
The method is designed to receive a single incoming notification from the notification queue | ReceiveNotification |
receiving.deleteNotification |
The method is designed to remove an incoming notification from the notification queue | DeleteNotification |
receiving.downloadFile |
The method is for downloading received and sent files | DownloadFile |
sending.sendMessage |
The method is designed to send a text message to a personal or group chat | SendMessage |
sending.sendButtons |
The method is designed to send a message with buttons to a personal or group chat | SendButtons |
sending.sendTemplateButtons |
The method is designed to send a message with interactive buttons from the list of templates in a personal or group chat | SendTemplateButtons |
sending.sendListMessage |
The method is designed to send a message with a selection button from a list of values to a personal or group chat | SendListMessage |
sending.sendFileByUpload |
The method is designed to send a file loaded through a form (form-data) | SendFileByUpload |
sending.sendFileByUrl |
The method is designed to send a file downloaded via a link | SendFileByUrl |
sending.sendLocation |
The method is designed to send a geolocation message | SendLocation |
sending.sendContact |
The method is for sending a message with a contact | SendContact |
sending.sendLink |
The method is designed to send a message with a link that will add an image preview, title and description | SendLink |
sending.forwardMessages |
The method is designed for forwarding messages to a personal or group chat | ForwardMessages |
serviceMethods.checkWhatsapp |
The method checks if there is a WhatsApp account on the phone number | CheckWhatsapp |
serviceMethods.getAvatar |
The method returns the avatar of the correspondent or group chat | GetAvatar |
serviceMethods.getContacts |
The method is designed to get a list of contacts of the current account | GetContacts |
serviceMethods.getContactInfo |
The method is designed to obtain information about the contact | GetContactInfo |
serviceMethods.editMessage |
The method edits a message in a chat | EditMessage |
serviceMethods.deleteMessage |
The method deletes the message from chat | DeleteMessage |
serviceMethods.archiveChat |
The method archives the chat | ArchiveChat |
serviceMethods.unarchiveChat |
The method unarchives the chat | UnarchiveChat |
serviceMethods.setDisappearingChat |
The method is designed to change the settings of disappearing messages in chats | SetDisappearingChat |
webhooks.startReceivingNotifications |
The method is designed to start receiving new notifications | |
webhooks.stopReceivingNotifications |
The method is designed to stop receiving new notifications |
Licensed under MIT terms. Please see file LICENSE