This is the last webpage made for Web Design course of freeCodeCamp. It consists basically in making a PORTIFOLIO for all of my current projects in GitHub
- A navegation bar with three destination links;
- The first link should go to welcome_page;
- The second link should go to projects_page;
- The third link should goto contacts_page;
- The scroll when you click in a link should be smooth;
- The navegation bar is fixed;
- When you click in a project, you are redirected to the respective project in GitHub;
- We should have a button that redirect you to the repositories page;
- The button goes black when you hover the mouse;
- The contact area should have 4 links with my social media;
- We should have at least 4 project links;
- There is a footer with final consideration;
The HTML code is Structure and CSS code is Style. All the structure is done, ill make some updates while i code the CSS, just if necessary. Feel free to send me suggestions.
You can see the page in this link