grddavies / grddavies

About me

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Ey up (hello), I'm Gethin

About me

  • 🏢 I'm currently working on a browser-based DICOM viewer at Motilent
  • 🐣 I’m learning Rust 🦀 and Haskell 💜 when I have the time
  • 🎨 I occasionally make generative art (have a look here) and music
  • 📖 I'm reading The Book of Trespass by Nick Hayes
  • 🦜 Hablo un poco de Español, e também falo Português... mas não muito.
  • 💬 I like talking about (but claim no expertise in) programming language theory, time-series, synthesizers, music and other wiggly lines 📈

GitHub Stats

Top Langs grddavies' github stats

Technologies I find useful or am interested by...

Visual Studio Code Icon
NeoVim Logo
TypeScript Logo
React Logo
Python Logo
R Logo
Solid JS
Solid JS
Pytorch Logo
Ableton Live
Ableton Live

Generative Art

CW // Unreality

Animation of shifting cityscapes generated by StyleGAN (1/3) Animation of shifting cityscapes generated by StyleGAN (2/3) Animation of shifting cityscapes generated by StyleGAN (3/3)

Surreal cityscapes generated using styleGAN.

Network trained on aerial photographs scraped from Flickr. Animations generated by circilar interpolation of the constant layer input weights, and through the latent space. For details see here

Animation of special effect ceramic glaze textures

Special effect glaze textures using styleGAN2

Network trained on photographs of ceramic glazes (DWIGn dataset). Animations generated by circilar interpolation of the constant layer input weights, and through the latent space.

Animation of faces blended with ceramic glaze textures (1/2) Animation of faces blended with ceramic glaze textures (2/2)

Blended networks

Network produced by splicing layers from a network trained on the FFHQ (faces) dataset, and my own DWIGn (ceramic glazes) dataset. Low resolution layers are from the FFHQ network, retaining some facial features. Textures and colours are generated in higher resolution layers from the DWIGn dataset. Animations generated by circilar interpolation of the constant layer input weights, and through the latent space.


About me