gravelBridge / AutoGPT-WolframAlpha

An AutoGPT plugin to enable communication with WolframAlpha for solving math problems, and getting information.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AutoGPT-WolframAlpha Plugin πŸ”’

An AutoGPT plugin to enable communication with WolframAlpha for solving math problems and getting information.

Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 7 45 54 PM

πŸ“š Requirements

  1. Python Package: Install the WolframAlpha Python package:

pip install wolframalpha

  1. WolframAlpha API Key: Obtain a WolframAlpha API key by signing up for a free account at the WolframAlpha Developer Portal and creating an app. After creating the app, you will receive an APP_ID.

  2. Install Plugin: Install the plugin by running the following command:

Mac / Linux / WSL

cd plugins && git clone && zip -r ./ ./AutoGPT-WolframAlpha && rm -rf ./AutoGPT-WolframAlpha && cd .. && ./ --install-plugin-deps

Windows, Powershell

cd plugins; git clone; Compress-Archive -Path .\AutoGPT-WolframAlpha -DestinationPath .\; Remove-Item -Recurse -Force .\AutoGPT-WolframAlpha; cd ..

πŸ”§ Configuration

  1. Update the .env file: Add the following lines to your .env file:

WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APP_ID = your_app_id
  1. Allowlist Plugin: In your .env file, search for ALLOWLISTED_PLUGINS and add this plugin:

#ALLOWLISTED_PLUGINS - Sets the listed plugins that are allowed (Example: plugin1,plugin2,plugin3)

πŸš€ Usage

After installing the package and configuring the settings, you can use the AutoGPT-WolframAlpha plugin to allow AutoGPT to solve math problems and obtain information from WolframAlpha.


  1. Configure Auto-GPT: Set up Auto-GPT with the following parameters:
  • Name: MathSolverGPT
  • Role: an ai designed to follow user instructions
  • Goals:
    1. Goal 1: Solve the integral of x^2 from 0 to 3
    2. Goal 2: Terminate
  1. Run Auto-GPT: Launch Auto-GPT, which should use the WolframAlpha plugin to solve the math problem and return the result.


An AutoGPT plugin to enable communication with WolframAlpha for solving math problems, and getting information.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%