grav / esp32-fennel

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Aim: Compile fennel code to Lua, send to ESP32 (with NodeMCU) to evaluate, and receive back result.

Set up and test

# set baud rate
$ stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
# disable flow control
$ stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 -crtscts
# start listening to output
$ cat /dev/ttyUSB0
# send some lua code
$ echo -e "do local x=4\nprint(x+2)\nend\n" > /dev/ttyUSB0

Sometimes the cat command goes south and loops forever. Then it seems to help to connect with screen:

$ screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

then send <ctrl+a d> to disconnect,

and finally kill screen with

$ killall screen

Send Fennel program to the device:

$ fennel --compile blinkled.fnl  | ./ | tee /dev/ttyUSB0

The wrap_do part is because of how local scope works with interactive mode, see

Getting Clojure in the mix

Might want to code up a "repl" with Clojure.

Listening for output from Clojure

$ clj -e '(with-open [rdr ( "/dev/ttyUSB0")] (doall (map println (line-seq rdr))))'

Sending some code with Clojure:

user=> (spit "/dev/ttyUSB0" "do\nlocal x=5\nprint(x+3)\nend\n")

Pretty-printing tables

We need to serialize data when sending it from the ESP32 to the client. Lua by default does not pretty-print tables, so they'll just be shown as

> {foo = 42, bar = {baz = {1, 2, "3"}}}
table: 0x600002881980

That's no good. Fennel's repl works in another way:

>> {:bar {:baz [1 2 "3"]} :foo 42}
{:bar {:baz [1 2 "3"]} :foo 42}

One thought was to use antifennel to convert the resulting Lua expression back to fennel, and then pretty-print it, but that won't work because:

  1. we still need to pretty-print the result in Lua to send it to antifennel
  2. evaluating the code in Fennel won't pretty-print it, but just behave exactly like Lua, eg print something like "table: 0x600002881980".

However, Fennel has a specific function for turning a map into a string:

>> (local fennel (require :fennel))
>> (fennel.view {:foo 42})
"{:foo 42}"

So, do we still need to run the whole Fennel compiler on the ESP32 to do this? Nope, we are so lucky that there's a separate (albeit older) version of the function both in Fennel but also in Lua


$ curl -O
$  lua -e "print((require 'fennelview')(load(\"return {foo = 42, bar = {baz = {1, 2, '3'}}}\")()))"
  :bar {
    :baz [1 2 "3"]
  :foo 42

Now we just need to figure out how to evaluate the code in the correct context.

Maintaining the context (environment)

In Fennel's repl, this works:

>> (local foo 42)
>> foo

In Lua, the context is cleared after each "chunk":

> local foo = 42
> foo

There may be hope - if we wrap the expressions in a do-end block, and then use debug.getlocal we can retrieve all locals before the world ends, publish it to a global table, and then re-set the locals before evaluating the next expression.

Here's part of the way:

> do local foo = {}; print(debug.getlocal(1,1)); end
foo	table: 0x55cd2a702100

See The Debug Library for ref about getlocal and setlocal.

As an alternative to wrapping in do-end, we might be able to use The Debug Interface to hook into locals being set. Not sure.

Ugh. No debug library, according to the FAQ:

There is currently no debug library support. [snip] This omission was largely because of the Flash memory footprint of this library, but there is no reason in principle why we couldn't make this library available in the near future as a custom build option



Language:Clojure 69.4%Language:Fennel 13.5%Language:Lua 9.5%Language:Shell 7.6%