graphcore-research / kg-topology-toolbox

A Python toolbox to compute topological metrics and statistics for Knowledge Graphs

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KG Topology Toolbox

Continuous integration Code style: black

Python NumPy SciPy Pandas

kg-topology-toolbox is a Python-based toolbox for computing topological properties of Knowledge Graphs (KGs). This library provides researchers and practitioners with tools to better understand the structural characteristics of KGs and how they might impact the predictive performance of any models trained upon them.

kg-topology-toolbox enables computation of a variety of properties of KGs, focusing on edge topological (symmetry, inverse, inference, loop and composition) and cardinality patterns (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one & many-to-many).

Unlike other libraries, kg-topology-toolbox provides the ability to compute these properties at the level of individual triples, as well as at the level of relations.

edge patterns

Full documentation can be found at

For a walkthrough of the main functionalities of kg-topology-toolbox, we provide an introductory Jupyter notebook.


The library has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 & MacOS >= 14 and has been developed targetting Python >=3.9 - however it should be widely compatible with other systems.

To install the latest version of kg-topology-toolbox library, run:

pip install wheel
pip install git+

If you would like to be able to change the source code and have the changes reflected in your environment, you can clone the repository and install the package in editable mode run:

git clone
cd kg-topology-toolbox
pip install -e .


Once installed, the library can be imported as follows:

from kg_topology_toolbox import KGTopologyToolbox

kg-topology-toolbox requires that the input KG is in the form of a pandas DataFrame with suggested column names of h, r and t. The h and t columns should contain the head and tail entities involved in the triple, and the r column should contain the relation type. These columns should be the integer identifiers of the entities and relations in the KG. Note that if your columns are named differently, you can specify the column names when creating the KGTopologyToolbox object.

For example, we can load a KG from a CSV file:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("path/to/kg.csv", columns=["h", "r", "t"])

This can then be used to instantiate a KGTopologyToolbox object:

kgtt = KGTopologyToolbox(df)

Computing Edge Topological Patterns

The KGTopologyToolbox object can be used to compute the topological properties of the KG. For example, to compute the edge patterns of the KG, we can use the edge_pattern_summary method:

edge_eps = kgtt.edge_pattern_summary()

This will return a DataFrame with the edge patterns of the KG, where values have been computed for each edge contained within the graph.

The values computed by the edge_pattern_summary method include edge pattern type (loop, symmetric, inverse, inference, composition), number of triangles insisting on the edge and other pattern metrics.

Computing Edge Cardinality Patterns

Similarly, to compute the cardinality patterns of the KG, we can use the edge_degree_cardinality_summary method:

edge_dcs = kgtt.edge_degree_cardinality_summary()

This will return a DataFrame with the cardinality patterns of the KG, where again values have been computed for each edge contained within the graph.

The values computed by the edge_degree_cardinality_summary method include triple cardinality (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many), head and tail degrees and other cardinality metrics.

Aggregating by Relation

It is also possible to aggregate the properties at the level of relations, you can use the aggregate_by_relation method:

from kg_topology_toolbox.utils import aggregate_by_relation

relation_eps = aggregate_by_relation(edge_eps)
relation_dcs = aggregate_by_relation(edge_dcs)

This will return a DataFrame with statistics for the edge properties, aggregated across edges of the same relation type, for all relations contained within the graph.

For a more detailed overview of the functionalities of kg-topology-toolbox, please refer to the documentation and the introductory Jupyter notebook.


If you have found this package useful in your research, please consider citing our paper:

  title={The Role of Graph Topology in the Performance of Biomedical Knowledge Graph Completion Models},
  author={Cattaneo, Alberto and Bonner, Stephen and Martynec, Thomas and Luschi, Carlo and Barrett, Ian P and Justus, Daniel},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.04103},


Copyright (c) 2023 Graphcore Ltd. Licensed under the MIT License.

The included code is released under the MIT license (see details of the license).

See notices for dependencies, credits, derived work and further details.


A Python toolbox to compute topological metrics and statistics for Knowledge Graphs

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%