grantzzzzz / Two-dimensional-flow-in-Finite-Volume-Method

This repository contains a Fortran implementation of a 2D flow using Finite Volume Method (FVM). The code models the transport of a passive scalar for both orthogonal and skewed meshes.

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Passive scalar transport in a 2D flow using Finite Volume Method (FVM)

This code is a Fortran implementation of a 2D flow using FVM. The flow of a passive scalar is modelled, and visualization of the field is done with Paraview.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


The code being implemented in Fortran 90, and Fortran being a compiled language, it requires a compiler such as GFortran.

In Ubuntu, Mint and Debian you can install GFortran like this:

sudo apt-get install gfortran

Alongside the GFortran compiler, the open-source platform for data analysis and visualization, ParaView, is also required and installed through the commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install paraview

For other Linux flavors, OS X and Windows, packages are available at: for GFortran for ParaView

File descriptions

  • '*.f90' files in which the main code, as well as the different subroutines are programmed.
  • 'physical_data.txt' which contains the different parameters to define the domain of computation, mesh size, and other parameters such as CFL or Fourier numbers.

  • In the output directory 'ex_output_files', there are four files:
    • 2 output '*.vts' files at t=0 and Tf/2
    • 2 output '*.txt' files of velocity profile in x=1 for different data
  • 4 animations in the 'animations' directory.

Running the program

  1. Input numerical values in the file physical_data.txt

     80            ! n  number of mesh cells in y    
     70            ! m  number of mesh cells in x    
     5             ! Length L1 of the domain    
     2             ! Height L2 (Left side of the domain)    
     2             ! Height L3 (Right side of the domain)     
     0.01          ! Diffusion coefficient    
     0             ! Velocity U (x direction)     
     0             ! Velocity V (y direction)          
     5             ! Final time    
     0.9           ! CFL number    
     0.4           ! Fourier number    

    Modifying and tuning these values in order to have an orthogonal mesh or not, diffusion and/or advection...

  2. Use the Makefile to compile all the files and create the executable (run the command 'make' while being in the main directory of the program).

  3. Launch the executable , which will create the mesh and run the discretised calculation on the latter.

  4. Observe the concentration field on the domain using Paraview (open sol.pvd).

  5. Remove the created files thanks to the commands 'make clean' and 'make solclean'.


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This repository contains a Fortran implementation of a 2D flow using Finite Volume Method (FVM). The code models the transport of a passive scalar for both orthogonal and skewed meshes.


Language:Fortran 95.3%Language:Makefile 4.7%