Dr Gea Rahman (grahman20)


Geek Repo





Company:Charles Sturt University


Home Page:https://csusap.csu.edu.au/~grahman/

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dr Gea Rahman's repositories


Adaptive Decision Forest(ADF) is an incremental machine learning framework called to produce a decision forest to classify new records. ADF is capable to classify new records even if they are associated with previously unseen classes. ADF also is capable of identifying and handling concept drift; it, however, does not forget previously gained knowledge. Moreover, ADF is capable of handling big data if the data can be divided into batches.



CAIRAD class implements the CAIRAD techique for detecting noisy values in a dataset for Weka



We present a framework called TLF that builds a classifier for the target domain having only few labeled training records by transferring knowledge from the source domain having many labeled records. While existing methods often focus on one issue and leave the other one for the further work, TLF is capable of handling both issues simultaneously. In TLF, we alleviate feature discrepancy by identifying shared label distributions that act as the pivots to bridge the domains. We handle distribution divergence by simultaneously optimizing the structural risk functional, joint distributions between domains, and the manifold consistency underlying marginal distributions. Moreover, for the manifold consistency we exploit its intrinsic properties by identifying $k$ nearest neighbors of a record, where the value of k is determined automatically in TLF. Furthermore, since negative transfer is not desired, we consider only the source records that are belonging to the source pivots during the knowledge transfer. We evaluate TLF on seven publicly available natural datasets and compare the performance of TLF against the performance of eleven state-of-the-art techniques. We also evaluate the effectiveness of TLF in some challenging situations. Our experimental results, including statistical sign test and Nemenyi test analyses, indicate a clear superiority of the proposed framework over the state-of-the-art techniques.



LFD is a data-driven discretization technique that does not require any user input. LFD uses low frequency values as cut points and thus reduces the information loss due to discretization. It uses all other categorical attributes and any numerical attribute that has already been categorized.



DMI Class implements the DMI imputation algorithm for imputing missing values in a dataset from Rahman, M. G., and Islam, M. Z. (2013): Missing Value Imputation Using Decision Trees and Decision Forests by Splitting and Merging Records: Two Novel Techniques



EDI uses two layers/steps of imputation namely the Early-Imputation step and the Advanced-Imputation step.



FEMI (Fuzzy Clustering-based Missing Value Imputation Framework) for data preprocessing. FEMI imputes numerical and categorical missing values by making an educated guess based on records that are similar to the record having a missing value. While identifying a group of similar records and making a guess based on the group, it applies a fuzzy clustering approach and our novel fuzzy expectation maximization algorithm.



FIMUS imputes numerical and categorical missing values by using a data set’s existing patterns including co-appearances of attribute values, correlations among the attributes and similarity of values belonging to an attribute.



kDMI employs two levels of horizontal partitioning (based on a decision tree and k-NN algorithm) of a data set, in order to find the records that are very similar to the one with missing value/s. Additionally, it uses a novel approach to automatically find the value of k for each record.



SiMI imputes numerical and categorical missing values by making an educated guess based on records that are similar to the record having a missing value. Using the similarity and correlations, missing values are then imputed. To achieve a higher quality of imputation some segments are merged together using a novel approach.



Now redundant weka mirror. Visit https://github.com/Waikato/weka-trunk for the real deal
