grafana / dbt_leaner_query

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LeanerQuery dbt Package

This is a dbt package built to help teams that use BigQuery understand their costs associated with dbt and general use.

This package uses BigQuery Audit Log data and assumes that a log sink is set up to export the logs into tables in a BigQuery dataset. If you are unfamiliar with how to accomplish this, visit this Google cloud resource.

This package assumes that the user(s) executing the processes have read access to the bigquery log dataset referenced above and write access to the dataset where leaner_query is creating/updating objects.

The package contains a lot of variable values to determine costs, aggregation, and scoring. You will want to override/specify some of these values in your dbt_project.yml file as your details and use cases are undoubtedly different than ours. More details in the variables section.

This dbt package aims to provide the following details for data teams who are using BigQuery:

  • costs associated with queries and dbt builds
  • errors, with codes and messages that your users are getting from BigQuery
  • easy categorization and classification of your dbt models through a scoring system that assigns an importance, threat, and overall priority score per model.

Quick Links

Getting Started

  • Add any/all variable overrides to your dbt_project.yml file, ie:
leaner_query_database: my_gcp_project
leaner_query_importance_query_score_3: ['My BI Tool']
leaner_query_importance_query_score_4: ['My reverse ETL tool']

leaner_query_prod_dataset_names: ['marts','reports']
leaner_query_stage_dataset_names: ['staging_models']

leaner_query_custom_clients: [
{'user_agent': 'agent_string', 'principal_email':'username', 'client_name':'Custom Client 1'},
{'user_agent': 'agent_string', 'principal_email':'different_username', 'client_name':'Custom Client 2'},
leaner_query_custom_egress_emails: [
  • Optionally update your dbt_project.yml file to override the dataset where the leaner_query models will be built (defaults to leaner-query):
    +schema: leaner_query_output
  • Run via tag:
	dbt run -s tag:leaner_query


The package outputs a dimensional model that allows users to build upon for custom analysis and reporting. This dimensional model contains:

  • dim_bigquery_users: all users who have executed a statement against BQ. Uses the principal_email attribute to classify users as a user or a service account.
  • dim_error_messages: all distinct error messages that have been issued by BQ.
  • dim_job_labels: bridge-type table that contains label keys and values for jobs
  • dim_job_table_view_references: combination of all tables and views ever referenced in the BQ audit logs along with which layer they are a part of. The layer classification uses the values set in the leaner_query_prod_dataset_names and leaner_query_stage_dataset_names variables.
  • dim_jobs: details about every BQ job executed, including parsed and normalized dbt metadata that is sent to BQ.
  • dim_query_statements: essentially just query_statements and dbt_info for each given BQ job. This was originally all part of dim_jobs, but was broken out as it's not used often and accounsted for a majority of the size of the table.
  • dim_user_agents: parsed and classified caller_supplied_user_agent details, defined as a client_type. The classification logic can be seen below and is augmented by values added to the leaner_query_custom_clients variable.
  • fct_executed_statements: BQ job execution event data including output rows, slot_ms, processed_bytes, billed_bytes, etc.

Client type classification logic:

  • Connected Sheet - User Initiated: the job contained a label of 'sheets_trigger' with a value of 'user'
  • Connected Sheet - Scheduled: the job contained a label of 'sheets_trigger' with a value of 'schedule'
  • Scheduled Query: the job contained a label of 'data_source_id' with a value of 'scheduled_query'
  • dbt run: the job contained a label of 'dbt_invocation_id' with any value or the user_agent contains 'dbt'
  • Web console: the job's user_agent contains 'Mozilla'
  • Python Client: the job's user_agent contains 'gl-python'
  • Fivetran: the job's user_agent contains 'Fivetran'
  • Hightouch: the job's user_agent contains 'Hightouch'
  • Rudderstack: the job's user_agent contains 'gcloud-golang-bigquery' and the principal_email contains 'rudderstack'
  • Golang Client: the job's user_agent contains 'gcloud-golang' or the user_agent contains 'google-api-go'
  • Node Client: the job's user_agent contains 'gcloud-node'
  • Java Client: the job's user_agent contains 'SimbaJDBCDriver'
  • Stemma Crawler: the job's user_agent contains '(gzip),gzip(gfe)'


Note: Reports can be disabled by changing the leaner_query_enable_reports variable value to false.

  • rpt_bigquery_dbt_metrics_daily: produces aggregates, on a daily and dbt model grain, including:
    • total_dbt_builds
    • total_dbt_tests
    • total_dbt_snapshots
    • total_estimated_dbt_run_cost_usd
    • total_estimated_dbt_test_cost_usd
    • total_estimated_snapshot_cost_usd
    • total_estimated_dbt_build_time_ms
    • total_estimated_dbt_test_time_ms
    • total_estimated_dbt_snapshot_time_ms
    • average_build_cost
    • average_test_cost
    • average_snapshot_cost
    • average_build_time_ms
    • average_test_time_ms
    • average_snapshot_time_ms
  • rpt_bigquery_table_usage_daily: produces aggregates, on a daily, table/view, layer (raw, stage, prod), and client type grain:
    • total_queries_run
    • dbt_models_run
    • dbt_tests_run
    • total_human_users
    • total_service_accounts
    • total_errors
    • threat_score
    • importance_score
    • priority_score
  • rpt_bigquery_usage_cost_daily: produces cost specific aggregates, on a daily and client type grain:
    • total_queries_run
    • total_estimated_cost_usd (includes queries and other statement types)
    • total_estimated_dbt_run_build_cost_usd
    • total_estimated_dbt_run_test_cost_usd
    • total_time_ms (includes queries and other statement types)
    • total_estimated_query_cost_usd (only includes queries)
    • total_query_time_ms (only includes queries)
  • rpt_bigquery_user_metrics_daily: produces aggregates, on a daily, user, and user_type (service-account vs user) grain:
    • total_queries_run
    • total_errors
    • total_prod_tables_used
    • total_stage_tables_used
    • total_raw_tables_used
    • total_tables_used
    • total_estimated_cost_usd
    • total_time_ms
    • error_rate (total_errors/total_queries)
    • prod_table_use_rate (total_prod_tables_used/total_tables_used)
    • stage_table_use_rate (total_stage_tables_used/total_tables_used)
    • raw_table_use_rate (total_raw_tables_used/total_tables_used)

Scoring logic

Importance scoring

We sought to evaluate how important each BQ object was by looking at them from four separate dimensions, which combine to total possible score of 100:

  • Service account usage - if tables are being accessed (in query statements) by service accounts, the object is important enough to be part of an automated process. We determine a 7-day total query count percentile rank (per table) and use the weight from the leaner_query_weight_importance__service_account_queries to calculate a service account usage component.
  • dbt usage - if tables are being queried in our dbt build process, the object holds some level of importance because it is an obvious dependency for other models/tables. We determine a 7-day toal query count percentile rank (per table) and use the weight from the leaner_query_weight_importance__dbt_queries to calculate a dbt usage component.
  • Egress usage - tables that are used by egress processes are obviously important because we are likely impacting other systems within our organization. We further classify egress in this score on a scale of 1-4 (least to most important) with the use of the values in the leaner_query_importance_query_score_1...4 variables. We then determine a 7-day query count percentile rank (per table) and use the weight from the leaner_query_weight_importance__egress_use to calculate an egress usage component.
  • User breadth - if tables are being accessed (in query statements) by a wide array of users (non-service account users), the object is important in ad hoc query and discovery processes. We use a trailing 30 day active user metric (by table) and determine a 7-day query count percentile rank (by table) and use the weight from the leaner_query_weight_importance__user_breadth to calculate a user breadth component.

Threat scoring

We sought to evaluate how much of a threat or risk each BQ object was by looking at them from four separate dimensions, which combine to total possible score of 100:

  • Egress usage - if tables are being used (by service accounts) to send data to other systems, it represents a possible threat or risk to our business. In addition, we assert that egress use of tables that are in a non production data layer (determined by the leaner_query_prod_dataset_names variable) is very risky and is assessed a multiplier value (5 * the 7 day total query count). We determine a 7-day total query count percentile rank (with any multiplier applied, per table) and use the weight from the leaner_query_weight_threat__service_account_egress to calculate an egress component.
  • Cost to query - tables that are expensive to query are a threat or a risk to the business from a cost perspective and should be modeled and/or tuned to be more efficient. We determine a 7-day total query cost percentile rank (per table) and use the weight from the leaner_query_weight_threat__cost_to_query to calculate a cost to query component.
  • Cost to build - tables that are expensive to build (by dbt processes), again, are a threat or a risk because they could be unnecessarily costing our business money. We determine a 7-day total cost to build percentile rank (per table) and use the weight from the leaner_query_weight_threat__cost_to_build to calculate a cost to build component.
  • Daily errors - if tables are being used incorrectly and/or are often the source of errors, they represent a risk to our reputation and overall usefulness to the organization. We determine a 7-day total error percentile rank (per table) and use the weight from the leaner_query_weight_threat__daily_errors to calculate a daily error component.

Priority Score

Priorizing where to spend precious refactoring and refinement time is difficult and rarely data-backed. To help prioritize these efforts, we combine the table importance score and the threat level score to develop an overall priority score. The calculation is as follows:

	(importance score * importance_level_weight) + (threat score * threat_level_weight)


General purpose

  • leaner_query_database
    • Description: database (project) where the bigquery audit logs reside.
    • Default: target.database
  • leaner_query_source_schema
    • Description: schema (dataset) where the bigquery audit logs reside.
    • Default: bigquery_audit_logs
  • leaner_query_data_access_table
    • Description: tablename where the bigquery data access audit logs reside.
    • Default: leaner_query_data_access_table
  • leaner_query_enable_reports
    • Description: enable report models listed above.
    • Default: true
  • leaner_query_require_partition_by_reports
    • Description: enable requiring the use of partitions when querying report tables.
    • Default: true
  • leaner_query_prod_dataset_names
    • Description: a list of dataset names that are considered production (ie marts and reporting tables), meant for consumption by users and other systems.
    • Default: [] (None)
  • leaner_query_stage_dataset_names
    • Description: a list of dataset names that are considered staging and are not meant for consumption by users and other systems; used by dbt to build production models.
    • Default: [] (None)
  • leaner_query_bq_on_demand_pricing
    • Description: list price for BQ on-demand pricing per TB bytes billed. You can adjust this if your contract has a differnt rate than the list price.
    • Default: 6.225
  • leaner_query_bq_slot_pricing
    • Description: list price for BQ slot based pricing per ms, rounded up to the minute. You can adjust this if your contract has a differnt rate than the list price.
    • Default:
     {"standard": 0.04, "enterprise": 0.06, "enterprise_plus": 0.10}
  • leaner_query_bq_pricing_schedule
    • Description: your current pricing schedule. Should be one of ('on_demand', 'standard', 'enterprise', 'enterprise_plus').
    • Default: on_demand
  • leaner_query_custom_clients
    • Description: a list of custom clients that extends the standard client list above.
    • Default:[] (None)
    "user_agent": "sample_user_agent_value",
	"principal_email": "optional_address", 
	"client_name": "sample_custom_client_name"
  • leaner_query_enable_dev_limits
    • Description: This is used to limit the incremental builds in a dev environment so you aren't doing a full refresh during development and CI.
    • Default: true
  • leaner_query_dev_limit_days
    • Description: Used in conjunction with leaner_query_enable_dev_limits, this determines how many days back you want to have your incremental models build in dev.
    • Default: 30
  • leaner_query_dev_target_name
    • Description: The name of your target dev environment.
    • Default: "dev"


  • leaner_query_priority_threat_level_weight
    • Description: weight given to the threat report score
    • Default: 0.65
  • leaner_query_priority_importance_level_weight
    • Description: weight given to the threat report score
    • Default: 0.35
  • Threat report:
    • leaner_query_weight_threat__service_account_egress
      • Description: weight given to service account egress activity for an object
      • Default: 0.35
    • leaner_query_weight_threat__cost_to_query
      • Description: weight given to the cost to query an object
      • Default: 0.30
    • leaner_query_weight_threat__cost_to_build
      • Description: weight given to the cost to build an object (with dbt)
      • Default: 0.25
    • leaner_query_weight_threat__daily_errors
      • Description: weight given to the volume of daily errors associated with an object
      • Default: 0.10
  • Importance report:
      • leaner_query_importance_query_score_1
      • Description: list of client names to use to score the lowest importance queries
      • Default: ["Web console"]
      • leaner_query_importance_query_score_2
      • Description: list of client names to use to score the second lowest importance queries
      • Default: ["Connected Sheet - User Initiated", "Connected Sheet - Scheduled", "Scheduled Query"]
      • leaner_query_importance_query_score_3
      • Description: list of client names to use to score the second highest importance queries
      • Default: [] (None)
      • leaner_query_importance_query_score_4
      • Description: list of client names to use to score the highest importance queries
      • Default: [] (None)
    • leaner_query_weight_importance__service_account_queries
      • Description: weight given to the volume of queries by service accounts for an object
      • Default: 0.20
    • leaner_query_weight_importance__dbt_queries
      • Description: weight given to the cost to build an object with dbt
      • Default: 0.20
    • leaner_query_weight_importance__egress_use
      • Description: weight given to volume of queries used by service accounts that perform egress for an object
      • Default: 0.35
    • leaner_query_weight_importance__user_breadth
      • Description: weight given to the breadth of users querying an object
      • Default: 0.25


Grafana Dashboarding Template

We have included a template for our Grafana Dashboard that help to track our BQ and dbt costs. You can find the raw JSON in grafana_dashboard_template.json. You can easily import this dashboard into any Grafana instance and immediately start visualizing your data - assuming you have the BigQuery Datasource configured.


License:MIT License