gr-rtp / StockScreener

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Team 17 Stock Market screener


First of all, create a file named db.local.env in the root directory and fill it with database connection information and api keys shown below


System Requirements: Python > 3.9.0


create a virtual environment inside market_screener folder: python -m venv venv
activate virtual environment: venv/Scripts/activate
deactivate virtual environment: deactivate
install packages: pip install -r requirements.txt run the application: python

Unix (Mac/Linux)

create a virtual environment inside market_screener folder: python3 -m venv venv
activate virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate
install packages: pip3 install -r requirements.txt run the application: python3

Core functionality

The main function of this application is the daily_update function found in the file.

The function does the following:


  • Load the database with updated stock data for the four major US indexes namely, NASDAQ, DOW, NYSE, S&P500.
  • Computes the price moving averages (sma) and volume moving averages which are also loaded into the database.
  • Computes the highs and lows of a 52 week period are also loaded into the database.
  • Finally the relative strengths for each stock against it's index and each stock against the S&P500 index are loaded into the database.
  • Use the price and computed technical data to prepare five datasets, one each for individual stock rankings against their index (using the relative_strength) and one for ranking all stocks against the S&P500 (using the relative_strength_sp500).
  • The final datasets are then screened to return only stocks that have a rank greater than 0.7. The results are saved to a csv file.


  • Using the final dataset from technical, loads the fundamental data of all stocks in the dataset into the database.
  • Fetches data from professional finance API(Yahoo API / Alaph Vantage API / Financial Modeling Prep API).
  • Gets updated results from database and save to a csv file.



The application comes with a command line interface where commonly used functions can be triggered using commands and flags.

To get a list of commands available to you run

python --help

To get more details about a specific command, run the command below and replace "COMMAND" with the command you are interested in Running this provides details of what the command does, the parameters required and examples of how to run them.

python COMMAND --help

The available commands are:
update_all: To update all stocks in the database, create a daily dataset for each index and a dataset for all stocks in the database against the S&P500
update: Update prices of stocks in a specified index and calculate relative strengths for a specified date range
get_dataset: Get a dataset for one index on a specified date
get_dataset_sp500: Get the dataset of all stocks against the S&P500 for a specified date
screen_dataset: Runs a query on a specified dataset to return stocks meeting provided screening conditions
screen_dataset_sp500: Runs a query on a specified dataset of all stocks against the S&P500 to return stocks meeting provided screening conditions
status: Shows details of the state of the database


Data Pipeline

The module is used to process data from external apis or from a database and then store results back in to the database. Functionality like updating all stock prices, moving averages and relative strengths can be found in the data pipeline. The daily update strategy of the screener also lives in this module.

This is the daily update function.
It loops through all indexes and for each stock in each index, it does the following:
- Loads any missing prices from their price table till the most recently closed date.
- Calculates and loads all moving averages for price and volumes.
- Identifies the highs and lows for the added periods and updates them in the table.
- Finally, it computes the relative strength against the stocks index and adds that to the table.

load_stock_prices(symbol, index, start_date):
This fetches price data for the specified symbol from the provided start date to the most recently closed day.

update_all_relative_strength(start_date, end_date):
Calculates and uploads the relative strength for every stock in the database against the S&P500

update_reference_relative_strength(ref_index, stocks_index, start_date, end_date):
Calculates and uploads the relative strength for every stock in the database against the S&P500
Similar to the update_all_relative_strength function but this allows you choose which index to update rather than all or them.

update_own_relative_strength(index, start_date, end_date):
Calculates and uploads the relative strength for each stock based on it's own index

load_stock_sma_volume(symbol, start):
Computes and loads SMAs and Volume Averages into database tables

load_stock_highs_lows(symbol, start):
Loads 52 week highs and lows

load_stock_relative_strength(symbol, index_cum_prod, stock_cum_prod, column = 'relative_strength'):
This takes the cumulative products of a stock and an index and returns the relative strengths for dates where
both the stock and the index have a valid weighted cumulative product.

Technical Analysis

The module contains functions that take historical prices or other derived values as input, run computations and return technical indicators.

calc_price_average(prices: pd.DataFrame, windows = [50]):
Calculates the price moving average of a series of dates

prices : A dataframe containing at least two columns, a date column and a close (close price) column

window : A list of numbers to be used as the number of datapoints required for each average,
defaults to a list with the number 50 as it's only element

calc_volume_average(prices: pd.DataFrame, windows = [50]):
Calculates the volume moving average of a series of dates

prices : A dataframe containing at least two columns, a date column and a volume column

window : A list of numbers to be used as the number of datapoints required for each average,
defaults to a list with the number 50 as it's only element

Calculate price moving averages and volume averages.
Return values as a tuple containing tuples which each representing a row in the database

historical_prices : Must be a 2D tupple or list containing date, close and volume in each nested array

Iterate over prices and record the highest and lowest price within a 52 week period approximated as 240 days

historical_prices : Must be a 2D tupple or list containing date and close in each nested array

get_dates(end_date, count):
Takes a target date as parameter and gets 4 evenly distributed earlier dates.
In the case of a year, the 4 dates would be approximately 3 months of working days.
For smaller periods, the dates will be evenly split into 4 quarters

end_date : Date from which to find the start 4 previous quarters
count : maximum number of business days available to get dates from

get_weighted_comp(historical_prices, start_date, min_days = 8):
Calculate the cummulative product for a given symbol and a date from which the cummulative product is required.
This calculation is weighed 40% for most recent quarter and 20% for the remaining three quarters

get_relative_strength(index_cum_prod, stock_cum_prod: pd.DataFrame):
Takes the cummulative products of an index over a period and the cummulative products of a stock over a period
Joins the cummulative periods based on dates that match and divides the stock values by index values.
The result is converted to a list of tuples each containing date and relative strength for each date

Fundamental Analysis

The fundamental part mainly consists of five-part of codes, three files to fetch fundamental data from each finance API, and one file storing all the fundamental data to the MongoDB database, the rest of one file is generating one CSV file containing all the fundamental data from MongoDB database.

File name:
Calculates the data related EPS and the stock price changes during a range of days based on the data fetched from Alphavantage API.
symbol : a single stock symbol name. 

Calculates the data related stock income(Such as revenue / profit)changes based on the data fetched from Alphavantage API.
symbol : a single stock symbol name. 


File name:

Return the data into a json format based on the data from Financialmodelingprep API.
url : specifically url assigned from the Financialmodelingprep API.

def get_ratios_info(symbol):
Return all the  stock ratio data from Financialmodelingprep API.
symbol : a single stock symbol name. 

def get_profile_info(symbol):
Return all the  stock basic stock Information from Financialmodelingprep API.
symbol : a single stock symbol name. 
Return all the  stock ratio data from Financialmodelingprep API.

symbol : a single stock symbol name. 

def get_score(symbol):
Return all the  stock altmanZScore/piotroskiScore from Financialmodelingprep API.
symbol : a single stock symbol name. 

Return all the   stock dcf value /stock price from Financialmodelingprep API.
symbol : a single stock symbol name. 

File name:

Return all the  stock institutional holders data from Yahoo finance API.
symbol : a single stock symbol name. 

Return all the  stock major holders data from Yahoo finance API.

symbol : a single stock symbol name. 

Return all the  stock volume change(10-100days) data from Yahoo finance API.
symbol : a single stock symbol name. 

File name:
def print_newReq(symbol, dbname, colname):
Return all the  stock Information into a list. And this list will be the input data of function of get_fundamental().
dbname:name of the MongoDB database sub-name.
colname:name of the MongoDB database colname.
symbol: a single stock symbol name.

def get_screened_symbols():
Read all the stock symbols in the txt file.

Create a CSV file for UI to present all the stock data. The source is from the function of def print_newReq(symbol, dbname, colname), and the CSV file will be saved in an assigned directory with other symbol lists for UI resources.

Class name:

def __init__(self):
This function is to setting up the MongoDB database for the fundamental data.

self: a MongoDB object.

def create_symbol_dbinfo(self,symbol):
Create a dictionary contains all fundamental data collected by various APIs. This dictionary will be saved as a document for this stock symbol in MongoDB

self: this MongoDB object.
symbol: a single stock symbol name.

def insert_symbol(self,dbname, colname, fdDict):
Import a document of a symbol into specific location of MongoDB.

self: this MongoDB object.
dbname: specify a database name in MongoDB.
colname: specify a collection name in the above database in MongoDB.
fdDict: the dictionary created by create_symbol_dbinfo(self,symbol).

def insert_multiple_symbols(self,dbname, colname, symbols):
Import documents of a symbol list into specific location of MongoDB. The creating of documents will call create_symbol_dbinfo(self,symbol) above.

self: this MongoDB object.
dbname: specify a database name in MongoDB.
colname: specify a collection name in the above database in MongoDB.
symbols: a list of symbols that need to have fundamental data stored in MongoDB.

def insert_multiple_symbols(self,dbname, colname, symbols):
Import documents of a symbol list into specific location of MongoDB. The creating of documents will call create_symbol_dbinfo(self,symbol) above. There is a sleep time set between the each creation of documents to avoid API limitaion.

self: this MongoDB object.
dbname: specify a database name in MongoDB.
colname: specify a collection name in the above database in MongoDB.
symbols: a list of symbols that need to have fundamental data stored in MongoDB.

def daily_update(self,dbname, colname, symbols):
To make sure we have the up-to-date fundamental data for all symbols the new symbol list in MongoDB. If there are symbols in the new list but not in our database. It will
create documents for them and import to MongoDB.
The creating of documents will call insert_multiple_symbols(self,dbname, colname, symbols) above.

self: this MongoDB object.
dbname: specify a database name in MongoDB.
colname: specify a collection name in the above database in MongoDB.
symbols: a list of daily dataset that need to have fundamental data stored in MongoDB.

def get_symbol_dbinfo(self, symbol, dbname, colname):
To get the fundamental data of one single stock for creating the CSV file.

self: this MongoDB object.
symbols: a single stock symbol that already have fundamental data stored in MongoDB.
dbname: specify a database name in MongoDB.
colname: specify a collection name in the above database in MongoDB.



Language:JavaScript 56.7%Language:Python 34.6%Language:TypeScript 8.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:CSS 0.0%