gquere / CVE-2018-16987

Details about CVE-2018-16987 - Cleartext storage of TA servers' passwords in Squash TM

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a cleartext storage of sensitive information & sensitive information exposure vulnerability I found in Squash TM during a penetration test.


Squash TM is a web interface used to manage test cases. Link to the project


Squash TM through at least 1.18.0 presents the cleartext passwords of external services in the administration panel, as demonstrated by a ta-server-password field in the HTML source code.


In SquashTM's administration panel, the external services (a.k.a. automation servers) page contain the cleartext password of the service's account. These external services could be anything but a popular example is a Jenkins server.

Here's an example URL: http://localhost:8080/squash/administration/test-automation-servers/1

Here's an extract of the page's source code:

      <label for="ta-server-password">Password</label>
      <div id="ta-server-password" class="display-table-cell" style="font-weight: bold;">cleartext_password</div>

For this to happen, it also means that passwords of external services are stored as cleartext, which I confirmed by grepping the password against the database (H2 and postgresql).

Also, this vulnerability is heightened by the fact that the application defaults are:

  • admin/admin credentials
  • HTTP unencrypted communications

Suggested Scoring

  • Attack vector: network
  • Attack complexity: low
  • Authentication required: yes (admin)
  • Impacts: confidentiality

Suggested scoring: 4.1 (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:C/C:L/I:N/A:N)


Further work

Just as an FYI for future researchers, passwords of actual users are stored as SHA1. Not ideal. I briefly audited the codebase, seems like all SQL requests are correctly built (prepared statements). There are some deserializations (report generation and search function) from unfiltered user input (GET parameters) using a vulnerable version of the Jackson component but they don't seem exploitable because there is no polymorphic type handling.


Details about CVE-2018-16987 - Cleartext storage of TA servers' passwords in Squash TM