gozsoy / decipher-frus

Analysing diplomatic documents with NLP and Neo4j

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Deciphering the U.S. Diplomatic Documents with NLP and Graph Data Science

Codebase for Master's Thesis at ETH Zurich


  • Create a folder named volumes in this repo.

  • Download FRUS files, and put them under volumes.

  • Using Python 3.8.8, run the following commands.

python3 -m venv frus_env
source frus_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src/
  • Go to constants.py, and change START_YEAR, and END_YEAR parameters depending on the experimentation range you seek. Plus, other parameters if necessary.

  • Download Neo4j Desktop. Create a DBMS, activate it, and create database named frus{START_YEAR}-{END_YEAR} under it. Enter selected credientials AUTH parameter in constants.py.

  • Follow this link to reach your unique Neo4j Desktop import folder. Copy its path, and paste to IMPORT_PATH parameter in constants.py.

  • Download world_cities.csv, and put it under tables. It is required for city-country matching (please see report).

  • Run the parsing, enrichment, and KG population files in the following order:

python person_unify.py
python term_unify.py
python city_country_extraction.py
python document_extraction.py
python extract_person_extras.py
python bert_topic_extraction.py --topic_count 300 --use_embeddings False --remove_entities False
python bert_topic_extraction.py --topic_count 100 --use_embeddings False --remove_entities True --name_extension _entremoved
python lda_topic_extraction.py
python redaction_extraction.py
python extract_entity_bins.py
python extract_entity_sentiments.py
python frus_conversion.py

Your FRUS KG is ready!

Note: python bert_topic_extraction.py requires GPU. Change --use_embeddings to True, for each option (--remove_entities True or False) when ran each once.

  • For Redaction Analysis, follow instructions in src/cypher_commands.txt part A.

  • For Role and Person Importance Scores, follow instructions in src/cypher_commands.txt part B.

  • For Dynamic Entity Embeddings, follow instructions in src/cypher_commands.txt part C.

  • For Knowledge Graph Augmentation, run python link_prediction.py Then, follow instructions in src/cypher_commands.txt part D.

  • We provide Neo4j dump covering FRUS years from 1952 to 1988, that is ready to download and analyze in Neo4j.


Analysing diplomatic documents with NLP and Neo4j


Language:Jupyter Notebook 93.4%Language:Python 6.6%