govindkailas / vmware-k8s-app-demo

Demo apps showcasing the use of ingress and loadbalancer for kubernetes.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Demo apps showcasing the use of ingress and loadbalancer for kubernetes.

All the needed k8s objects are packed in a single yaml.

Pre req: You have a working k8s cluster with a external provisioner (cloud Service provider) enabled. This would help in getting your FQDN set via ingress and loadbalancer.

Deploy an app which support multiple api endpoints (as ingress)

kubectl apply -f http-echo-ingress-deploy.yaml

Deploy a 3 tier app which is exposing the main service url as LoadBalancer.

kubectl apply -f yelb-lb.yaml


Demo apps showcasing the use of ingress and loadbalancer for kubernetes.