This server pulls tweets using celery and stores in postgres database. Here we are using postgres full text search for searching tweets with query hashtags.Using tweppy for pulling tweets. We have 2 celery scheduler tasks :
- Pulling tweets at 11:00am UTC.
- Updating favourite and retweet count of every tweets at 5:00am UTC.
- - gives json list of all tweets in DB based on popularity
- - search api
- celery==4.3.0
- Django==2.2.2
- django-celery-beat==1.5.0
- django-celery-results==1.1.2
- django-redis==4.10.0
- djangorestframework==3.9.4
- psycopg2-binary==2.8.3
- redis==3.2.1
- tweepy==3.7.0
python runserver
celery -A daily_python_tips worker -B -l info