v# dockerize_laravel_todo_list To build a simple application of the to-do list.
You need to build '.env' file for docker-compose (Note: mysql's user is root)
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec laravel sh /init.sh
docker-compose exec laravel composer install -o
docker-compose exec laravel php artisan jwt:secret
docker-compose exec laravel php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Root: http://localhost:8008
- generate a new token(login) : [POST] /api/auth/login
- Get user's token from API, default:
- email: testtest@gmail.com
- password: testtest
- Get user's token from API, default:
- refresh a new token : [POST] /api/auth/refresh
- get an information of the token : [GET] /api/auth/token
- get all to-do lists : [GET] /api/todolist/
- get one to-do list : [GET] /api/todolist/{id}
- create one to-do list : [POST] /api/todolist/
- update one to-do list : [PUT] /api/todolist/{id}
- delete one to-do list : [DELETE] /api/todolist/{id}
- delete all to-do list : [DELETE] /api/todolist/
All tasks(list) for any user can access, the app just shows how to build the to-do list(Only on backend).