gotodeploy / mjai-server

Dockernized mjai server for Japanese mahjong AI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

mjai Server in Docker

mjai is a server for Japanese mahjong AI. This repository contains a forked version of mjai that the most popular battleground for Japanese mahjong AI, floodgate for mahjong uses.

Getting Started

Below are tested on Docker CE 17.06.1-ce on Ubuntu 14.04 trusty.

$ docker build -t mjai-server .
$ docker run -p 11600 --name mjai -itd mjai-server 

You can pull the latest image from Docker Hub instead of building the image locally.

$ docker run -p 11600 --name mjai -itd geduld/mjai-server

Confirm the server is working.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                      NAMES
58302d58122g        geduld/mjai-server:latest   "/bin/sh -c 'ruby ..."   1 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes>11600/tcp   mjai

$ curl localhost:32768
{"type":"error","message":"invalid join"}

Also run examples to understand how this works. Docker Compose needs to be installed. It takes approximately 5 minutes to start the game.

$ cd exmaples/
$ docker-compose up 


About mjai

About Mahjong(Riichi mahjong, Japanese mahjong)


Dockernized mjai server for Japanese mahjong AI
