goshlanguage / uopz

User Operations for Zend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


User Operations for Zend

Build Status

The uopz extension is focused on providing utilities to aid with unit testing PHP code.

It supports the following activities:

  • Intercepting function execution
  • Intercepting object creation
  • Hooking into function execution
  • Manipulation of function statics
  • Manipulation of function flags
  • Redefinition of constants
  • Deletion of constants
  • Runtime creation of functions and methods

Note: All of the above activities are compatible with opcache


PHP 7 is a different animal to PHP 5, making uopz work for PHP 7 was difficult, and required huge internal changes to uopz.

This has brought about a new API that should allow nearly all the same dark magic as in PHP 5.

Sorry for breaking BC ...


The PHP API for uopz

* Provide a return value for an existing function
* @param string class
* @param string function
* @param mixed value
* @param bool execute
* If value is a Closure and execute flag is set, the Closure will
* be executed in place of the existing function
function uopz_set_return(string class, string function, mixed value [, bool execute = 0]) : bool;

* Provide a return value for an existing function
* @param string function
* @param mixed value
* @param bool execute
* If value is a Closure and execute flag is set, the Closure will
* be executed in place of the existing function
function uopz_set_return(string function, mixed value [, bool execute = 0]) : bool;

* Get a previously set return value
* @param string class
* @param string function
function uopz_get_return(string class, string function) : mixed;

* Get a previously set return value
* @param string function
function uopz_get_return(string function) : mixed;

* Unset a previously set return value
* @param string class
* @param string function
function uopz_unset_return(string class, string function) : bool;

* Unset a previously set return value
* @param string function
function uopz_unset_return(string function) : bool;

* Use mock in place of class for new objects
* @param string class
* @param mixed mock
* Mock can be an object, or the name of a class
function uopz_set_mock(string class, mixed mock);

* Get previously set mock for class
* @param string class
function uopz_get_mock(string class);

* Unset previously set mock
* @param string class
function uopz_unset_mock(string class);

* Get static variables from method scope
* @param string class
* @param string function
function uopz_get_static(string class, string function) : array;

* Get static variables from function scope
* @param string function
function uopz_get_static(string function) : array;

* Set static variables in method scope
* @param string class
* @param string function
* @param array static
function uopz_set_static(string class, string function, array static);

* Set static variables in function scope
* @param string function
* @param array static
function uopz_set_static(string function, array static);

* Execute hook when entering class::function
* @param string class
* @param string function
function uopz_set_hook(string class, string function, Closure hook) : bool;

* Execute hook when entering function
* @param string function
function uopz_set_hook(string function, Closure hook) : bool;

* Get previously set hook on class::function
* @param string class
* @param string function
function uopz_get_hook(string class, string function) : Closure;

* Get previously set hook on function
* @param string function
function uopz_get_hook(string function) : Closure;

* Remove previously set hook on class::function
* @param string class
* @param string function
function uopz_unset_hook(string class, string function) : bool;

* Remove previously set hook on function
* @param string function
function uopz_unset_hook(string function) : bool;

* Add a non-existent method
* @param string class
* @param string function
* @param Closure handler
* @param int flags
* @param bool all
* If all is true, all classes that descend from class will also be affected
function uopz_add_function(string class, string function, Closure handler [, int flags = ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC [, bool all = true]]) : bool;

* Add a non-existent function
* @param string function
* @param Closure handler
* @param int flags
* @param bool all
* If all is true, all classes that descend from class will also be affected
function uopz_add_function(string function, Closure handler [, int flags = ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC [, bool all = true]]) : bool;

* Delete a previously added method
* @param string class
* @param string function
* @param bool all
* If all is true, all classes that descend from class will also be affected
function uopz_del_function(string class, string function, [, bool all = true]);

* Delete a previously added function
* @param string function
function uopz_del_function(string function);

* Redefine $class::$constant to $value
* @param string class
* @param string constant
* @param mixed  value
* Note: only user constants should be redefined
* Note: if the constant does not exist it will be created
function uopz_redefine(string class, string constant, mixed value);

* Redefine $constant to $value
* @param string constant
* @param mixed  value
* Note: only user constants should be redefined
* Note: if the constant does not exist it will be created
function uopz_redefine(string constant, mixed value);

* Delete $class::$constant
* @param string class
* @param string constant
* Note: only user constants should be undefined
function uopz_undefine(string class, string constant);

* Delete $constant
* @param string constant
* Note: only user constants should be undefined
function uopz_undefine(string constant);

* Makes $class implement $interface
* @param string class
* @param string interface
function uopz_implement(string class, string interface);

* Makes $class extend $parent
* @param string class
* @param string parent
function uopz_extend(string class, string parent);

 * Get or set flags on $class::$method()
 * @param string class
 * @param string method
 * @param int flags
function uopz_flags(string class, string method [, int flags]) : int;

 * Get or set flags on $method()
 * @param string method
 * @param int flags
 * Note: use ZEND_ACC_FETCH as flags to get flags
function uopz_flags(string function, [, int flags]) : int;

* Set instance property
* @param object instance
* @param string property
* @param mixed value
function uopz_set_property(object instance, string property, mixed value);

* Set static class property
* @param string class
* @param string property
* @param mixed value
function uopz_set_property(string class, string property, mixed value);

* Get instance property
* @param object instance
* @param string property
function uopz_get_property(object instance, string property) : mixed;

* Get static class property
* @param string class
* @param string property
function uopz_get_property(string class, string property) : mixed;

* Retrieve the last set exit() status
* Note: opcache optimizes away dead code after unconditional exit
* Note: exit() breaks xdebug hooks
function uopz_get_exit_status() : mixed;

* Allows control over disabled exit opcode
* @param bool allow
* Note: by default exit will be ignored
function uopz_allow_exit(bool allow) : void;


  • uopz should be loaded before opcache.


Running the test suite

After make has executed, run:

make test

You are done reading

That is all !!!


User Operations for Zend



Language:C 88.2%Language:PHP 10.9%Language:M4 0.6%Language:JavaScript 0.3%