gorkem / che-plugin-broker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo contains implementations of several Che plugin brokers


Downloads tar.gz archive and:

  • Evaluates Che workspace sidecars config from che-plugin.yaml located in a plugin archive and data from config.json that is placed in workdir or different path if a corresponding broker argument is used. It contains data about Che plugin or editor from meta.yaml
  • Copies dependency file/folder specified in dependencies.yaml inside of a plugin archive


Downloads .theia archive and:

  • Unzip it to a temp folder
  • Check content of package.json file in it. If it contains {"engines.cheRuntimeContainer"} then this value is taken as container image for sidecar of a remote plugin. If it is missing or empty plugin is considered non-remote
  • Copies .theia file to /plugins/ for a non-remote plugin case
  • Copies unzipped .theia to /plugins/ for a remote plugin case
  • Evaluates Che workspace sidecar config for running Theia plugin as Che remote plugin in a sidecar:
    • adds an endpoint with random port between 4000 and 10000 and name port<port>
    • adds env var to workspace-wide env vars with name THEIA_PLUGIN_REMOTE_ENDPOINT_<plugin_publisher_and_name from package.json> and value ws://port<port>:<port>
    • adds env var to sidecar env vars with name THEIA_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT_PORT and value port
    • adds projects volume
    • adds plugin volume
  • Sends sidecar config to Che workspace master


Cleanups content of /plugins/ folder. Should be started before other brokers not to remove files they are adding to plugins folder.


Downloads VS Code extension from marketplace and:

  • Unzip it to a temp folder
  • Check content of package.json file in it.
  • Copies unzipped extension to /plugins/
  • Evaluates Che workspace sidecar config for running VS Code extension as Che Theia remote plugin in a sidecar:
    • adds an endpoint with random port between 4000 and 10000 and name port<port>
    • adds env var to workspace-wide env vars with name THEIA_PLUGIN_REMOTE_ENDPOINT_<plugin_publisher_and_name from package.json> and value ws://port<port>:<port>
    • adds env var to sidecar env vars with name THEIA_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT_PORT and value port
    • with projects volume
    • with plugin volume
  • Sends sidecar config to Che workspace master


Mocks are generated from interfaces using library mockery To add new mock implementation for an interface or regenerate to an existing one use following command when current dir is location of the folder containing the interface:

mockery -name=NameOfAnInterfaceToMock


  • build all the code:
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -ldflags '-w -s' -a -installsuffix cgo ./...
  • build Che plugin broker binary:
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -ldflags '-w -s' -a -installsuffix cgo -o che-plugin-broker brokers/che-plugin-broker/cmd/main.go
  • build Che Theia plugin broker binary:
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -ldflags '-w -s' -a -installsuffix cgo -o theia-plugin-broker brokers/theia/cmd/main.go
  • build Init plugin broker binary:
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -ldflags '-w -s' -a -installsuffix cgo -o init-plugin-broker brokers/init/cmd/main.go
  • build VS Code extension broker binary:
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -ldflags '-w -s' -a -installsuffix cgo -o vscode-extension-broker brokers/vscode/cmd/main.go

Run checks

  • run tests:
go test -v -race ./...
  • run linters:
golangci-lint run -v
  • run CI checks locally in Docker (includes build/test/linters):
docker build -f build/CI/Dockerfile .

Check brokers locally


- Folder /plugins exists on the host and writable for the user
  • Go to a broker cmd directory, e.g. brokers/vscode/cmd
  • Compile binaries go build main.go
  • Run binary ./main -disable-push -runtime-id wsId:env:ownerId
  • Check JSON with sidecar configuration in the very bottom of the output
  • Check that needed files are in /plugins
  • To cleanup /plugins folder init broker can be used


Dependencies in the project are managed by Go Dep. After you added a dependency you need to run the following command to download dependencies to vendor repo and lock file and then commit changes:

dep ensure

dep ensure doesn't automatically change Gopkg.toml which contains dependencies constrants. So, when a dependency is introduced or changed it should be reflected in Gopkg.toml.

Build of Docker images

  • build Che plugin broker
docker build -t eclipse/che-plugin-broker:latest -f build/che-plugin-broker/Dockerfile .
  • build Theia plugin broker
docker build -t eclipse/che-theia-plugin-broker:latest -f build/theia/Dockerfile .
  • build Init plugin broker
docker build -t eclipse/che-init-plugin-broker:latest -f build/init/Dockerfile .
  • build VS Code extension broker
docker build -t eclipse/che-vscode-extension-broker:latest -f build/vscode/Dockerfile .


License:Eclipse Public License 2.0


Language:Go 95.9%Language:Dockerfile 4.1%