gordonmurray / apache_flink_and_iceberg

Using Apache Flink to write to s3 in Apache Iceberg format

Home Page:https://gordonmurray.com/data/2023/11/09/apache-flink-and-apache-iceberg.html

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Trying out Apache Iceberg with Apache Flink using Docker Compose

Use the docker-compose.yml file to create a MariaDB database and an Apache Flink Job and Task manager to work with.

Make sure to add your AWS credentials to the docker-compose.yml file first, so that it will be able to write to s3.

docker compose up -d

Once the containers are running, submit the job to Flink using:

docker exec -it jobmanager /opt/flink/bin/sql-client.sh embedded -f /opt/flink/job.sql

If you open your browser to http://localhost:8081 you'll see the Flink UI with your job running, saving the data from the database to s3 using the Iceberg format

Flink UI

The data in s3 will be in a folder named after the database, in Parquet format.

s3 folder structure

You can use the AWS CLI to verfiy the data is there:

aws s3 ls s3://my-test-bucket/iceberg/my_database/my_products/data/

If you happen to use DuckDB, you can query the resulting parquet file on s3 to verify the data:

Assuming duckdb is installed, provide it with AWS details:

SET s3_region='us-east-1';
SET s3_access_key_id='AKAIXXXXXXXXXXXX';
SET s3_secret_access_key='XXXXXXXXXXXX';

Then you can query one or more parquet files using:

SELECT * FROM 's3://my-test-bucket/iceberg/my_database/my_products/data/00000-0-b3a04103-6ef1-49fa-9c7b-62194183c3fd-00001.parquet';

You should see an output just like the following table

│  id   │   name    │     price     │
│ int32 │  varchar  │ decimal(10,2) │
│     3 │ Product C │         39.99 │
│     2 │ Product B │         29.99 │
│     1 │ Product A │         19.99 │


Using Apache Flink to write to s3 in Apache Iceberg format


License:MIT License