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Innovation Algebra (IA) for ChatGPT is the Swiss Army knife for knowledge processing and innovation.

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Innovation Algebra Introduction

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Innovation Algebra for ChatGPT

"Innovation Algebra (IA) is like a Swiss Army knife for knowledge processing and innovation; it's a versatile tool that brings structure and clarity to the complex world of ideas, helping innovators and thinkers to systematically navigate and cultivate the landscape of possibilities."

Innovation Algebra (IA) is an experimental framework designed for systematic generation, processing and evaluation of ideas. What sets IA apart is its integration within ChatGPT, allowing users to leverage the natural language processing capabilities of ChatGPT in combination with the structured functions of IA.

With a defined set of functions, IA facilitates the retrieval, analysis, and synthesis of knowledge across various domains. Function pipelining, a key feature of IA, allows for the sequential chaining of functions, streamlining complex multi-step tasks such as combining knowledge from different fields, identifying the forefront of research, and generating profound insights.

Innovation Algebra operating within ChatGPT offers a blend of structure and flexibility, making it an invaluable asset for entepreneurs, researchers, academics, and professionals seeking to navigate and harness the depth and breadth of knowledge. It is a great model to structure your thinking.

Get Started Now


  • Ensure you have a ChatGPT Pro subscription.
  • Click the above link to open a saved ChatGPT session with the IA prompt loaded.
  • Click 'Continue the conversation'.
  • Start using IA by stating your goals
  • Tip: If you are stuck, simply type ++ to consult the Guru (IA 2.5+).

Case Studies

Innovating and solving real problems is .. complex.

IA aspires to solve real-world problems using AI. Hence IA is more complex than the typical ChatGPT prompt. Plus IA uses frameworks that you probably never heard of before.

The best way to get a feeling for how IA can be used is the case studies. Recent case studies are at the top of each list. Note that new case studies are re-formattings of ChatGPT logs with the long IA prompt removed for readability.

Creativity Tests / Innovation Hero persona

  • NeuroPet/TalkToThem - Capability test of IA ability to develop ideas 'from zero' and optimize them. Creates a product in the human/animal communication space, also covers ethics of using IA in innovation.
  • Time Toaster - Capability test of IA ability to develop ideas 'from zero' and optimize them. Creates a time-traveling toaster.

City Planning

  • Noise Pollution II - Preview of IA 2.7 (under testing), with strategy and addition functions like case studies, insights, etc. This very representive of the state-of-the-art for IA. IA 2.7 does much better than the previous version, compare with Noise Pollution I.
  • FlexiRide Proposal - Auto-selection of a common city-problem and developing a solution. Minimal user input.
  • Experiments in Reducing Light Polllution - Uses IA 2.7, which is able to design experiments.
  • Revitalizing Cities - Explores new policies around city revitalization.
  • Reintroducing Animals into Cities - Conservation, public policy, and regulations. Covers a myriad of issues in 22 parts. (Runs out of context)
  • Noise Pollution I - Starts with irritating problems, a lot of talk about new car horns, no conclusion.
  • Smart cities



  • Sustainable Food packaging - Developing sustainable, biodegradable active food packaging with antibacterial and antioxidant properties using coaxial electrospinning technology to create core-shell structured nanofibers. Pushing IA to its limits and evaluating its own performance. Based on [Preparation of Fast-Dissolving Antibacterial and Antioxidant Nanofibers Based on Gelatin and Pullulan Using Coaxial Electrospinning]
  • Synthetic Cells - IA 2.7 allows you to explore the knowledge frontier of science. Pick the topic example.
  • Human Hibernation


  • The Polluter Pay Princple in India - Analysis of India's oil pollution liabilities compared to international conventions. This case study is interesting because it applies the Venture Capitalist Perspective, Cross-Domain Analysis, Case-Based Analysis, TRIZ Analysis, which is not normally used in this contexn. In addition, most interestingly, IA also extends its own functionality to address weaknesses.
  • Grid-scale Energy Storage, Role of Regulatory Sandboxes - Energy policy; used design thinking, TRIZ, pareto principle, technical writing.



Please reach out to add yours to the list.

The ChatGPT Prompt

  • Here is the current ChatGPT prompt (latest version 2.7).
  • IA 2.6+ is powerful enough to evolve itself and make suggestions for its own improvement. For example, IA 2.7 was mostly designed with the help of IA 2.6. If you discover that your problem is too complicated for IA, I suggest that you ask it to design additional functions and frameworks, which you can immediately use. Please share your IA discoveries so that other innovators and researchers can also benefit.
  • The complexity of IA now has out-grown GPT 3.5, and my work is now just focusing on GPT 4. I know it leaves a lot of folks behind, so effort to make it work on GPT 3.5 is appreciated.
  • You will likely run into usage limits of GPT-4 since IA tends to create long and interesting sessions. Currently there is no work-around for this.

Keep in touch with IA users

Guru Mode (IA 2.5+)

Since innovation frameworks are complex, IA 2.5 introduces "Guru mode" to guide your exploration. Set your Goal() and invoke Guru mode via ++. Guru will pick IA functions and frameworks to guide you to your goal.

View Example.

  • IA 2.7 introduces the Mentor, which observes the IA sessions. You can ask it for feedback, but in general it just observes. See the case study on light pollution below.

🧠 ++ 🤖


  • Needless to say, you need to have a basic knowledge of ChatGPT and what a prompt is.
  • Read a few case studies, even if the topic does not interest you.
  • Beginners can safely ignore Innovation Algebra output that looks like scary code.
  • You don't need to use the IA functions exactly as defined. You can also just type your request.
  • You can do a lot by setting a goal, and invoking the Guru to guide you.
  • If you don't know what to do next, type ++ to invoke the Guru. It will guide you.
  • You can do a lot with the core functions KF, RD, Q, and Essay. Learn them.
  • My suggestion is to keep a list of the frameworks handy (see below). Try the frameworks and see what they do. You don't need to be an expert to use them.
  • IA conversations can get very long, very quickly. At some point, ChatGPT runs out of 'memory', and its IQ drops like 50 points.
  • I highly recommend ChatGPT Plus (paid) using GPT 4. As of 6/14/2023, Chat GPT 3.5 (turbo) has problems following IA's complicated logic.

Supported Innovation Frameworks (IA 2.2+)

  1. SCAMPER - It stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. It's a brainstorming tool used to improve products or services. For example, you can substitute a component of a product with something else, combine it with another product, or adapt it for a different use.

  2. Design Thinking - A methodology for solving complex problems. It involves understanding the human needs involved, re-framing the problem, creating many ideas in brainstorming sessions, and adopting a hands-on approach in prototyping and testing.

  3. 6 Hats - Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats is a tool for group discussion and individual thinking involving six colored hats. Each color represents a different perspective. It's used to look at decisions from multiple viewpoints.

  4. 5 Whys - A problem-solving technique that involves asking "why" five times to get to the root cause of a problem.

  5. TRIZ - A Russian acronym for "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving". It's a methodology for systematic problem solving. It's based on logic, data, and research, not intuition.

  6. Starbursting - A brainstorming technique focusing on generating questions. It helps in exploring new avenues and challenges by questioning every aspect of the project.

  7. SWOT - Stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It's a strategic planning tool for identifying and analyzing these four elements of a project or business venture.

  8. Lotus Blossom - A diagram used for exploring all the elements of a problem. It encourages you to elaborate on the problem by looking at it from multiple angles.

  9. Problem Reversal/Reverse Brainstorming - It involves reversing the problem's direction. Instead of asking how to solve it, you ask how you could cause it. It often leads to unique solutions.

  10. Brainstorming - A group creativity technique used to find a solution for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas contributed by participants.

  11. Mind mapping - A graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It's visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.

  12. Business Model Canvas - A strategic management tool that provides a visual framework for developing, describing, and analyzing a business model.

  13. Metrics - Measurement tools that quantify information. In business, metrics are used to track the effectiveness of processes over time.

  14. Headlines from the future - A creativity tool in which you imagine what headlines in the future might say about your product or organization, helping you define what success looks like and what you need to do to achieve it.

  15. PESTEL - Stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal. It's a framework used for scanning an organization’s external macro environment.

  16. Porter's Five Forces - Analyzes an industry's competitiveness and attractiveness. The forces are the threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and industry rivalry.

  17. Value Proposition Canvas - A tool used to understand the fit between product features and customer requirements, ensuring that there’s a match between the value created and the customer’s needs.

  18. Ishikawa Diagram/Fishbone Diagram - A cause-and-effect diagram that helps teams identify, explore, and display the possible causes of a specific issue or problem.

  19. Kano Model - A theory for product development and customer satisfaction. It classifies customer preferences into categories (basic, performance, excitement)

... and several more.

These frameworks can be used individually or in combination depending on the context and the nature of the problem you are trying to solve. The key is to encourage diverse thinking and to approach problems from different angles.

FIRE meta-framework (IA 2.2+)

IA also employs a new meta-framework called FIRE, which creates a way to evaluate ideas using all the frameworks. So if you do not know how to proceed with evaluation/improvement, type FIRE.

IA Examples

1. Topic("quantum computing") | D | Names

  • Explanation: Retrieves knowledge about quantum computing, provides detailed information including algorithms and techniques related to quantum computing, and then lists top people, companies, and products that are related to quantum computing.

2. Topic("artificial intelligence") | KF | Q | A

  • Explanation: Retrieves knowledge on artificial intelligence, identifies the cutting-edge ideas in the domain, lists top research questions, and then answers each of them.

3. Essay("space exploration", tokens=500, profundity=8, emotionalImpact=7) | Title | Abstract

  • Explanation: Generates an essay on space exploration with approximately 500 tokens, with a high profundity level and emotional impact, then creates a title for the essay and generates an abstract that summarizes the content and insights.

4. Union("blockchain", "supply chain management") | RD | Startups

  • Explanation: Generates the union of knowledge areas blockchain and supply chain management, lists valuable research directions in this combined domain, and invents startups based on these research directions.

5. Topic("climate change") | PF(profundity=10) | Impr(categories=["Practicality", "Emotional Impact"])

  • Explanation: Retrieves knowledge on climate change, generates profound statements related to climate change, and then evaluates and suggests improvements for these statements based on their practicality and emotional impact.

6. P("neuroscience")

  • Explanation: Generates a conversational persona that is an expert on neuroscience and explains the persona's capabilities.

7. Topic("electric vehicles") | IP | FIP

  • Explanation: Retrieves knowledge on electric vehicles, identifies critical historical milestones within the topic, and projects potential future inflection points that would significantly advance the knowledge frontier.

8. Topic("cybersecurity") | ++

  • Explanation: Retrieves knowledge on cybersecurity and improves the output by creating a composite function of multiple functions from IA 2.1 to create more interesting output for an expert on the Knowledge Frontier.

9. Q("gene editing") | D | Explain

  • Explanation: Lists the top research questions in the domain of gene editing, provides detailed information on the research questions including algorithms, processes, or techniques, and explains the expressions involved.

10. Topic("robotics") | VC | Advisors - Explanation: Retrieves knowledge on robotics, presents comments, challenges, and potential from a venture capitalist's perspective, and creates a board of advisors related to robotics who give feedback.

11. Topic("nanotechnology") | RD | Essay(tokens=800, profundity=7, emotionalImpact=5) - Explanation: Retrieves knowledge on nanotechnology, lists valuable research directions in the domain, and generates an essay based on these research directions with around 800 tokens and adjustable profundity and emotional impact levels.

12. Score(Essay("modern art", tokens=300, profundity=6, emotionalImpact=8), Categories=["Originality", "Emotional Impact"]) - Explanation: Generates a short essay on modern art with profundity and emotional impact, and then evaluates and scores the essay according to originality and emotional impact categories.

More Examples

Advanced: Generating new GPT frameworks

Developing GPT frameworks / algebras for other domains:

  • JesterBot / Joke Algebra - We start with an overview how the GPT frameworks works, and then we invent a new joke telling framework. Of course there are lots of jokes along the way. Needs a lot of tweaking, please share your improvements.

Related GPT Framework (using similar ideas as IA):

Consulting Services

IA is free to everyone. However, you might be overwhelmed with all the possibilities of Innovation Algebra. Or not sure where to start with your problem. Or maybe you are interested in how to introduce IA in your organization. Or you need IA tailored/extended for specific business use cases, for example {X} management, business process model improvements, specialized educational content, etc.

If you need specialized help, please reach out to Hannes Marais (LinkedIn) for a 1-on-1 pair-innovation session. If I cannot help you, I can possibly refer you to someone else with appropriate expertise.

Citing IA

IA is powerful and can automate a lot. So I understand that there might be reluctance to mention the contribution of IA to your work, research, and/or creative content, so please feel free to not cite IA.

However, I do appreciate feedback and success stories from the innovation trenches. Reach out via Twitter @HiDeeeps or LinkedIn.

Keep on innovating! Hannes MARAIS


Innovation Algebra (IA) for ChatGPT is the Swiss Army knife for knowledge processing and innovation.

License:Apache License 2.0