Test Case for AOS Hybrid Mode Openflow
Code Originally from https://github.com/Broadcom-Switch/of-dpa.
We modified the file architecture and use real word case as an exmple for APP develop reference.
It all writed by statically configuration.
Each folder means a case, each file means a flow or a grouop.
On each folder, we have two example method, one through "StartScript.py", another is "app_example.py". First we want you to known how to setup a OFDPA table and group, so we use many json file to tell you what you shall do. I hope from file name, you can known what it is done.
Second, we use a ryu application code, app_example.py, for you to easy write you own application.
"working_set.json" on each folder, it is used to execuse all flow and group json file. "StartScript.py" on each folder, it is a start python file. Run this file will start the case. "app_exmple.py" on each folder, it a ryu example code.
Usage example: (on AOS_OF_Example folder)
ryu-manager 01-ping-each-other/01-2ClientInSameVLAN/StartScript.py
NOTE: If it can't find ofdpa module, please set the PYTHONPATH to the AOS_OF_Example or "source set_python_path.sh"