goravel / gateway

A Gateway for Goravel micro server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Doc Go Release Test Report Card Codecov License

Microservices can only set grpc endpoints, and the gateway will transform the HTTP request to Grpc request.


goravel/gateway goravel/framework
v1.0.x v1.13.x


  1. Install protoc based on your system

  2. Install Grpc Gateway plugin to your system

go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@latest
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@latest
go install github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway@v2
  1. Add package
go get -u github.com/goravel/gateway
  1. Register service provider
// config/app.go
import "github.com/goravel/gateway"

"providers": []foundation.ServiceProvider{
  1. Publish config and proto files
go run . artisan vendor:publish --package=github.com/goravel/gateway

This method will publish the config/gateway.go file and the proto folder to your project.

  1. Add Grpc endpoints

Rename the proto/example/example.proto file and add your Grpc endpoints. Notice, you should add option (google.api.http) to your endpoints like the example, you can get more examples in the proto/google/api/http.proto file.

  1. Generate Grpc files

Modify the Makefile file based on your proto files, then run command below:

make {your proto name}

Or your can run command below directly:

cd proto

protoc -I=./ \
    --go_out=./ --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
    --go-grpc_out=./ --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
    --grpc-gateway_out=./ --grpc-gateway_opt=paths=source_relative \
  1. Configure Grpc Clients

Modify the config/grpc.go file to add your Grpc clients. Notice, you should add handlers to your clients like the example.

"clients": map[string]any{
    "example": map[string]any{
        "host":         config.Env("GRPC_EXAMPLE_HOST", ""),
        "port":         config.Env("GRPC_EXAMPLE_PORT", ""),
        // A new configuration from the gateway package, `example.RegisterUsersServiceHandler` is come from the
        // `proto/example/example.pb.gw.go` file that generated by the make command.
        "handlers":     []gateway.Handler{example.RegisterUsersServiceHandler},
        "interceptors": []string{},
  1. Add HTTP endpoints

Add all HTTP route that define in the proto/example/example.proto file to the routes/api.go file, like the example below:

import "github.com/goravel/gateway"

func Api() {
    facades.Route().Post("/users/{id}", gateway.Get)
    facades.Route().Post("/users", gateway.Post)

Notice, you should use gateway.Get or gateway.Post, etc. to handle the HTTP request.

  1. Add and fill environment variables to .env file
GATEWAY_HOST={gateway host}
GATEWAY_PORT={gateway port}
  1. Run HTTP server and Gateway
import (
    gatewayfacades "github.com/goravel/gateway/facades"

go func() {
    if err := facades.Route().Run(); err != nil {
        facades.Log().Errorf("Route run error: %v", err)

go func() {
    if err := gatewayfacades.Gateway().Run(); err != nil {
        facades.Log().Errorf("Gateway run error: %v", err)


Run command below to run test:

go test ./...


A Gateway for Goravel micro server

License:MIT License


Language:Go 97.7%Language:Makefile 2.3%