gopy's repositories
Filtering and basic search on paginated lists baked with cakephp. The principle is quite simple, we need a form with some few inputs or selects (our filters), and pass those parameters to the $paginate variable on the controller. We need to have those filter parameters on the url because if we only work with POST parameters we will lose all of our filters as soon as we change the page, obviously because our pagination numbers are just links. So the first thing to do is to transform the POST sended by the form into named parameters. We could (maybe) set the form method attribute to “get” but I prefer not to, because we could end up with urls that have both named parameters and GET parameters. Witch looks ugly “/test/page:1/sort:title/?parameter=value”
CakePHP FilterHabtmBehavior
FCL - Mutate Mint With Private Key
My page
my first vue component
gopystar - web developer