gopher-lego / gse

Go efficient multilingual NLP and text segmentation; support english, chinese, japanese and other. Go 高性能多语言 NLP 和分词

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Go efficient multilingual NLP and text segmentation; support english, chinese, japanese and other. And supports with elasticsearch and bleve.

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Gse is implements jieba by golang, and try add NLP support and more feature


  • Support common, search engine, full mode, precise mode and HMM mode multiple word segmentation modes;
  • Support user and embed dictionary, Part-of-speech/POS tagging, analyze segment info, stop and trim words
  • Support multilingual: English, Chinese, Japanese and other
  • Support traditional chinese
  • Support HMM cut text use Viterbi algorithm
  • Support NLP by TensorFlow (in work)
  • Named Entity Recognition (in work)
  • Supports with elasticsearch and bleve
  • run JSON RPC service.


  • Dictionary with double array trie (Double-Array Trie) to achieve
  • Segmenter algorithm is the shortest path (based on word frequency and dynamic programming), and DAG and HMM algorithm word segmentation.

Text Segmentation speed:


gse-bind, binding JavaScript and other, support more language.

Install / update

go get -u


package main

import (


var (
	text = "Hello world, Helloworld. Winter is coming! 你好世界."

	new, _ = gse.New("zh,testdata/test_dict3.txt", "alpha")

	seg gse.Segmenter
	posSeg pos.Segmenter

func main() {
	// Loading the default dictionary
	// Loading the default dictionary with embed
	// seg.LoadDictEmbed()
	// Loading the simple chinese dictionary
	// seg.LoadDict("zh_s")
	// seg.LoadDictEmbed("zh_s")
	// Loading the traditional chinese dictionary
	// seg.LoadDict("zh_t")
	// Loading the japanese dictionary
	// seg.LoadDict("jp")
	// Load the dictionary
	// seg.LoadDict("your gopath"+"/src/")



func cut() {
	hmm := new.Cut(text, true)
	fmt.Println("cut use hmm: ", hmm)

	hmm = new.CutSearch(text, true)
	fmt.Println("cut search use hmm: ", hmm)
	fmt.Println("analyze: ", new.Analyze(hmm, text))

	hmm = new.CutAll(text)
	fmt.Println("cut all: ", hmm)

	reg := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+年|\d+月|\d+日|[\p{Latin}]+|[\p{Hangul}]+|\d+\.\d+|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)`)
	text1 := `헬로월드 헬로 서울, 2021年09月10日, 3.14`
	hmm = seg.CutDAG(text1, reg)
	fmt.Println("Cut with hmm and regexp: ", hmm, hmm[0], hmm[6])

func analyzeAndTrim(cut []string) {
	a := seg.Analyze(cut, "")
	fmt.Println("analyze the segment: ", a)

	cut = seg.Trim(cut)
	fmt.Println("cut all: ", cut)

	fmt.Println(seg.String(text, true))
	fmt.Println(seg.Slice(text, true))

func cutPos() {
	po := seg.Pos(text, true)
	fmt.Println("pos: ", po)
	po = seg.TrimPos(po)
	fmt.Println("trim pos: ", po)

	po = posSeg.Cut(text, true)
	fmt.Println("pos: ", po)

	po = posSeg.TrimWithPos(po, "zg")
	fmt.Println("trim pos: ", po)

func segCut() {
	// Text Segmentation
	tb := []byte(text)
	fmt.Println(seg.String(text, true))

	segments := seg.Segment(tb)
	// Handle word segmentation results, search mode
	fmt.Println(gse.ToString(segments, true))

Look at an custom dictionary example

package main

import (
	_ "embed"


//go:embed test_dict3.txt
var testDict string

func main() {
	// var seg gse.Segmenter
	// seg.LoadDict("zh, testdata/test_dict.txt, testdata/test_dict1.txt")
	// seg.LoadStop()
	seg, err := gse.NewEmbed("zh, word 20 n"+testDict, "en")
	// seg.LoadDictEmbed()

	text1 := "你好世界, Hello world"
	fmt.Println(seg.Cut(text1, true))
	fmt.Println(seg.String(text1, true))

	segments := seg.Segment([]byte(text1))

Look at an Chinese example

Look at an Japanese example


How to use it with elasticsearch?




Gse is primarily distributed under the terms of "both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0)". See LICENSE-APACHE, LICENSE-MIT.

Thanks for sego and jieba(jiebago).


Go efficient multilingual NLP and text segmentation; support english, chinese, japanese and other. Go 高性能多语言 NLP 和分词

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 99.9%Language:HTML 0.1%