goolyuyi / study-vim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



motion is cursor move

  1. basic:
  • move: hjkl or <arrow>
  • word: w: next word head e word tail, b: last word head or shift+<arrow>
  • line: ^/$: start/end of line 0: start of line
  • %: match pair of () [] {} <>
  • move in file: gg top G bottom
  • 5gg or 5G jump to line 5
  • ctrl+b/f (back/fore) full screen scroll OR shift+<arrow>
  • ctrl+u/d (up/down) 1/2 screen scroll
  • {} jump paragraph
  • 50% goto 50% of file


  • H M L: scroll to top/middle/bottom of the screen
  • fx - jump to next occurrence of character x Fx backward
  • tx - jump to before next occurrence of character x Tx backward
  • ; repeat previous f, t, F or T movement
  • , repeat previous f, t, F or T movement, backwards
  1. Note : all motion can spec a quantity like d3w,9<down>


move won't change the cursor position

  • zz frame cursor

  • ctrl-o: navi back(out) ctrl-i: navi fore(in)

  • ctrl-]: enter


some verb need a motion: dw=d+w

verb can have a quantity like 3x 9dl

  1. list:
  • cut/delete d+ where += dd dw d$=D, daw delete a word
  • join line J
  • delete at cursor: x
  • copy/yank y+: yy yw y$
  • put/paste: p paste after cur P paste before cur
  • replace 1 char: r: ra replace to a
  • undo u/ undo line U redo ctrl-r
  • . repeat last change
  • g-command like gJ see :help g
    • g~~ toggle case
    • gU upper case gUe gu lower case guu
  • changec (delete and enter insert): cc=S cl=s c$=C caw
  1. object:
  • a+ a object, aw a word as a sentence ab a block() aB a block {}
  • i+ inner object, iw inner word is inner sentence ib inner block


  • insert mode: i insert(before) o open(new line) a append(after)

    • ea frequently used
    • ^n next find
    • ^j new line
    • ^t tab line ^d revert tab line ^i insert tab
    • ^u delete left ^w delete left word
    • <insert> toggle replace mode
  • replace mode: R

  • visual mode(marking mode):

    • v: enter visual mode V enter visual line mode
    • ctrl+v: enter visual block mode
      • o O: move cursor to corner
    • <> shift left/right (with tab)
    • u U ~ case
    • y d copy/delete


  • &grave;&grave; goto last jump " last edit . last change
  • &grave;a goto a
  • ma set mark a; mark name [0-9a-z]
  • :marks list marks :jump jump history :changes change history
  • y&grave;a yank to a mark

search and replace

  1. search:
  • regex:
  • /: search forward ?: search backward */# : search with cur word
  • n/N: to next/previous
  • search is a verb, can use like a verb: d/the<Enter>
  • // /? /& last search
  • :s/\v(\w+)/\u\1/g use \v to mimic perl regex
  1. substitute:
  • substitute/replace :substitute , mostly use :s
  • syntax: :[range]substitute/from/to/[flags]
    • :s/thee/the default is cur line
      • %s/thee/the % all line
    • :s/thee/the/gc replace all and confirm
  • flag: g all, c confirm, p print, i/I case ignore
  1. range:
  • 1,5 line 1 to 5, 5 line 5
  • .: cur line, .w write cur line
  • .,$ cur to last line .,.+4 cur to next 4 line % the whole file
  • 't,'b from mark t to mark b
  • '<,'> visual selection, < is visual start, > is visual end
  • .,/patter cur to next line that match pattern .,?pattern cur to prev line that match pattern
  • /Section 1/+,/Section 2/- non-inclusively search for section 1 and section 2
  • /Section 1/;/Subsection/-,/Subsection/+
  • :/Section/+ y :// normal p
  1. global:
  • :[range]global/{pattern}/{command} search pattern and exec a command
    • :g+//+s/foobar/barfoo/g
  1. pattern(regex):

    • /\<the\> \< \> word boundary
    • ^$ line boundary
    • . \s \d \w \a \l=lower \u=upper same as regex
  2. option

    • hlsearch=hls nohlsearch
    • wrapscan
    • incsearch=is


  • show file info: ctrl-g
  • quit with write: ZZ
  • commands, start with :
    • :! shell command: :!ls ~/dev
    • :set set var
      • :set ic=set ignorecase
      • :set history=1000 set value, :set history get value
      • :set iskeyword& set to default value
    • :options show options
    • <ctrl-d>/<tab> auto complete




  • :file a.txt change file name
  • :r read and merge in :r !ls read the stdout of ls
  • :w write file: :w :write >> logfile append
  • :saveas :edit

2.multi file

  • :ls
  • :args :args FILES
  • :next :prev first :last
  • quick jump, to last <ctrl+^>


  1. basic

    • split window :split :split a.txt :new
      • :3split alpha.c window size is 3 line
    • window commands: :close :only
    • command all qall wall wqall
  2. ctrl-w: input window command

    • w: jump window q: close window
    • <arrow> move window
    • +/-: window size
    • s v split H J resplit
    • x exchange
    • <arrow>: move window
    • f Split current window in two. Edit file name under cursor.
      • d goto definition
  3. vsplit: :vsplit :vnew

  4. tab:

  • :tabnew :tabedit :tabclose :tabonly :tabmove :tabnext :tabprevious

  • gt gT jump tab 5gt jump tab 5

  • ctrl-w gf:Open a new tab page and edit the file name under the cursor.

  • options:

    • winheight

macro, register

  1. register(think as named clipboard)
  • :reg show; reg name is [0-9a-z]

  • "xy yank to x "xp put from x;

    • use uppercase for append mode: "Xy append to x
    • + $ is clipboard: "+y yank to system clipboard
    • register cross session; stored in ~/.viminfo
  • in insert mode:

    • ^r insert register
Tip Special registers:
0 - last yank
" - unnamed register, last delete or yank
% - current file name
# - alternate file name
* - clipboard contents (X11 primary)
+ - clipboard contents (X11 clipboard)
/ - last search pattern
: - last command-line
. - last inserted text
- - last small (less than a line) delete
= - expression register
_ - black hole register
  1. macro
    • macro is the same thing as reg ,stored in reg
    • qa start recode macro a q stop
    • @a play macro a @@ repeat last macro
      • qA/word<Enter>q append to macro a
    • . repeat last change


  • >> <<
  • >% indent block >ib inner block >at tag
  • == indent current line =$ indent all =% indent to block
  • ]p paste and indent


  • gq+, help gq
  • gqap: gq format ap a paragraph
  • gggqG: gg go file start gq format G end of file


* `:help`: show help
* `:help w` `help ctrl-d`: show help of `command`s



put init.vim here

~/.config/nvim/init.vim         (Unix and OSX)
~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim   (Windows)

useful option

set backup
set backupext=.bak
set patchmode=.orig
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set autoindent
set history=50
set ruler
set showcmd
set incsearch
set hlsearch
set sidescroll=10
set whichwrap=b,s
set list                      # show tab symbol
set listchars=tab:>-,trail:-  # set tab style
syntax on


  • $VIMRUNTIME/colors path of theme
  • :colorscheme evening


like shortcut or macro

:map <F5> i{<Esc>ea}<Esc>

press F5

:map \p i(<Esc>ea)<Esc>
:map \c i{<Esc>ea}<Esc>

press \ + p quickly


There are two types of plugins:

  • global plugin: Used for all kinds of files
  • filetype plugin: Only used for a specific type of file



  • package and plugin are basically the same thing
  • packadd vimball load package
    • mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/fancy put the package here


  • There are two types of plugins:

    • global plugin: Used for all kinds of files
    • filetype plugin: Only used for a specific type of file
  • help standard-plugin-list

  • $VIMRUNTIME/plugin $VIMRUNTIME/macros system plugin path

  • ~/.local/share/nvim/site/plugin user plugin path

filetype plugin

~/.local/share/nvim/site/ftplugin path

The generic names for the filetype plugins are:


Here <name> can be any name that you prefer. Examples for the "stuff" filetype on Unix:






Language:C++ 59.4%Language:Python 16.5%Language:Lua 13.9%Language:Vim Script 10.2%