goolyuyi / knock-knock-knock

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



KKK abbr. knock-knock-knock


An authorization framework!


  • extremely lightweight
  • zero dependencies
  • compatible with express
  • RESTful design
  • easy use with openid and oauth 2.0
  • easy to customize


  • yarn:
yarn add knock-knock

# install needed schemas
# yarn add knock-google-openid
# yarn add knock-jwt-schema
  • npm:
npm install knock-knock

# install needed schemas
# npm install knock-google-openid
# npm install knock-jwt-schema


basic example

let express = require('express');
let app = express();


const KKK = require('../');
const kkk = new KKK({});

const schemaForKKK=require('./test-schema');

kkk.enable('test',schemaForKKK ,true);'/login', kkk.knockLogin('test'), (req, res, next) => {

module.exports = app;

a full example for google open-id login and jwt auth

let express = require('express');
let cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
let app = express();

app.use(express.urlencoded({extended: false}));

const KKK = require('knock-knock-knock');
let kkk = new KKK();

let googleSchemaClass = require('knock-google-openid');
let jwtSchemaClass = require('knock-jwt-schema');

// openid discovery method
googleSchemaClass.discovery().then((googleSchema) => {
    kkk.enable('google', googleSchema);
    kkk.enable('jwt', new jwtSchemaClass({secret: 'top-secret'}));
}).catch((err) => {

// oauth request step
app.get('/login', kkk.oauthLogin('google', {
    authSession: true,
    authSchemaID: 'jwt'

// oauth callback step
app.get('/oauthcallback', kkk.knockLogin('google'), (req, res) => {
    if (req.user) {

// jwt authorization
app.get('/dashboard', kkk.knockAuth('jwt'), (req, res) => {
    if (req.user) {

app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
    //deal with KKK's error
    if (err instanceof KKK.UnauthorizedError) {
    } else {
        res.status(500).send('interal error');

module.exports = app;

Custom Schemas

in KKK there is two types of schema: login and auth.

  • login schema used as login or authentication. use this to get a login method'/login', kkk.knockLogin('test'), (req, res, next) => {
  • auth schema used as create/revoke session and authorization. use this to get a auth method
app.get('/dashboard', kkk.knockAuth(), (req, res, next) => {
    if (req.user) {

here is an example: this example show how to implements a schema

module.exports = function () {
    //login schema must implement this
    this.knockLogin = this.login = async function (req, res) {
        //you should check the login request from req
        //and must set one of them:

        // req.user =...
        // or
        // req.unauthorizedError = new KnockKnock.unauthorizedError();

    //auth schema must implement this
    this.knockAuth = this.auth = async function (req, res) {
        //you should verify a session here...
        //and must set one of them:

        // req.user =...
        // or
        // req.unauthorizedError = new KnockKnock.unauthorizedError();

    //optional for auth schema
    this.createSession = async function (req, res) {
    this.revoke = function (req, res) {

    //optional for login schema
    this.oauthCallback = function (req, res) {
    this.oauthLogin = function (req, res) {


every function here has same signature: async func(req,res),so you can:

  • return a Promise
  • use req,res same as express
  • set req.user as user object if login/auth approved
  • set req.UnauthorizedError to a KKK.UnauthorizedError if login/auth fatal
  • get req.user to verify user info(e.g. query database) because KKK's login schema(e.g knock-password-schema) only check the request but not verify it.
  • get req.user._schemaID specified which schema created this user object

More Specific

this shows how KKK internal flow

    =>(internal)user `verify` function
    =>(internal)user `verify` function

so you have to:

  • set verify option if you want to verify request when you call kkk.knockLogin/kkk.knockAuth
  • specify createSession option if you want to create session otherwise it going to be one time authentication/authorization


  • call kkk.knockLogin(schema) and kkk.knockAuth(schema) is the most common way.
  • if you omit the schema option, kkk will try to refer it from client request:
_getParamFromReq(req, param) {
return req.params[param] || req.query[param] || req.cookies[param] || req.body[param];
  • kkk has shortcuts to directly get schema's methods, so after that you are able to pass it to express: you are able to use these shortcuts to get schema's method
//for login-schemas

//for auth-schemas



set verify will be called after kkk.knockLogin is called

        verify: async (req, res) => {
            return await database.query(req.user);

//or set globally...
kkk.option.globalLoginVerify = async (req, res) => {

kkk option

  • globalLoginVerify:the global login verify function
  • globalAuthVerify:the global auth verify function
  • throwUnauthorizedError:should throw error when unauthorized-error occurs otherwise kkk just only set req.unauthorizedError




A Unauthorized Error


knock-knock-knock main class


userVerifyFunction(req, res)




Kind: global interface
Ee: ./doc/examples/all-schema.js


a schema must implement one of the interface's methods

Kind: static interface of schemaInterface

interface.knockLogin(req, res)

must implement for login-schema.

Kind: static method of interface
Ee: ./doc/examples/login-schema.js

Param Type Description
req Object req.user should be set if user authorized or req.unauthorizedError should be set if error
res Object same like express

interface.knockAuth(req, res)

must implement for auth schema.

Kind: static method of interface
Ee: ./doc/examples/auth-schema.js

Param Type Description
req Object req.user should be set if user authorized or req.unauthorizedError should be set if error
res Object same like express


if the schema implemented this interface , it is able to use [schemaFunctions] to call this function in schema

Kind: static interface of schemaInterface

loginOptional.login(req, res)

Kind: static method of loginOptional

Param Type Description
req Object req.user should be set if user authorized or req.unauthorizedError should be set if error
res Object same like express

loginOptional.oauthLogin(req, res)

Kind: static method of loginOptional

Param Type Description
req Object req.user should be set if user authorized or req.unauthorizedError should be set if error
res Object same like express

loginOptional.oauthCallback(req, res)

Kind: static method of loginOptional

Param Type Description
req Object req.user should be set if user authorized or req.unauthorizedError should be set if error
res Object same like express


if the schema implemented this interface , it is able to use [schemaFunctions] to call this function in schema

Kind: static interface of schemaInterface

authOptional.createSession(req, res)

Kind: static method of authOptional

Param Type Description
req Object req.user should be set if user authorized or req.unauthorizedError should be set if error
res Object same like express

authOptional.auth(req, res)

Kind: static method of authOptional

Param Type Description
req Object req.user should be set if user authorized or req.unauthorizedError should be set if error
res Object same like express

authOptional.revoke(req, res)

Kind: static method of authOptional

Param Type Description
req Object req.user should be set if user authorized or req.unauthorizedError should be set if error
res Object same like express

UnauthorizedError ⇐ Error

A Unauthorized Error

Kind: global class
Extends: Error


Kind: instance property of UnauthorizedError


Kind: instance property of UnauthorizedError


knock-knock-knock main class

Kind: global class
Ee: ./doc/examples/newKKK.js

new KnockKnockKnock([option])

Param Type
[option] Option

knockKnockKnock.valid ⇒ boolean

check able to work available to work. it won't return true until least one login-schema are enabled

Kind: instance property of KnockKnockKnock

knockKnockKnock.enable(id, schema, setDefault)

enable a schema knock-knock-knock won't work until at least one login schema is enabled

Kind: instance method of KnockKnockKnock

Param Type Default Description
id string schama id
schema schemaInterface schema
setDefault boolean false default use the schema if user won't specify a schema id


kkk.enable('test',schemaForKKK ,true);


disable a schema

Kind: instance method of KnockKnockKnock

Param Type Description
id string schema id




Kind: instance method of KnockKnockKnock

  • implement this

knockKnockKnock.knockLogin([id], [option])

authenticate a request

Kind: instance method of KnockKnockKnock
Ee: ./doc/examples/knockLogin.js

Param Type Default Description
[id] string null schema id
[option] actionOptions {}

knockKnockKnock.knockAuth([id], [option])

authorize a request

Kind: instance method of KnockKnockKnock
Ee: ./doc/examples/knockAuth.js

Param Type Default Description
[id] string null schema id
[option] actionOptions {}

knockKnockKnock.[schemaFunctions](id, options)

return the functions from schema who implemented the interface loginOptional and authOptional

e.g if a schema which implements oauthLogin it could call knockKnockKnock.oauthLogin(id,option)

Kind: instance method of KnockKnockKnock
Ee: ./doc/examples/KKKLazy.js

Param Type Description
id string schema id enable
options actionOptions


Kind: inner typedef of KnockKnockKnock

Name Type Default Description
[globalLoginVerify] userVerifyFunction the global login verify function
[globalAuthVerify] userVerifyFunction the global auth verify function
[throwUnauthorizedError] boolean true should throw error when unauthorized-error occurs otherwise kkk just only set req.unauthorizedError


Kind: inner typedef of KnockKnockKnock

Name Type Default Description
verify userVerifyFunction verify function for current user object in req.user
[authSession] boolean true should invoke authSchema to create session after login
authSchemaID string | undefined auth-schema id to create session after login. undefined to use default schema

userVerifyFunction(req, res)

Kind: global function
Ee: ./doc/examples/kkkverify.js

Param Type Description
req Object req.user should be set if user authorized or req.unauthorizedError should be set if error
res Object same like express
